Saturday, August 8, 2015

Psalm 37:19

Copyright  2015 J. Neely
Psalm 37:19

19 They shall not be ashamed [buwsh] in the evil [ra`] time [`eth]: and in the days [yowm] of famine [r@abown] they shall be satisfied [saba`].   KJV-Interlinear

19 they are not put to shame in evil times; in the days of famine they have abundance.   ESV

Christians who have gained some semblance of spiritual maturity, will always have support from God.  Those who have not advanced in their spiritual life, will have support, but won’t recognize it and therefore will fail miserably.

In times of evil, or in times when troubles seem to be all there is, and in times of famine, when everything seems to be lacking and everything is in short supply if at all, then people panic.

They do not know what to do, do not know where to go, do not know what will become of them.

And you have to face some pretty hard times in order to be in this kind of mess.

But God provides in every case.

God provides solutions.

Only those who have spiritual growth, will be able to recognize the solutions.  But solutions do not always mean success or prosperity or will not always be obvious until later.  But you will be provided for, one way or another. Abundance means provision, not wealth.

Evil times and famine do not only refer to extreme times of trouble, but often times even the little things seem extreme for the moment.

And yet, you can look back on your life and perhaps see the many times you have faced difficult situations and then see the solutions that presented themselves.

And whether you like the solutions or not, is irrelevant.  You are still here, and those problems of the past are not. Likewise, the problems of today will fade, and the problems of tomorrow will likewise be short lived.

But these things do not depend on you, but on God.

Do not over think your problems and do not dwell on them, and certainly do not throw away the good things you have, by believing that they are not good.  Use common sense and good judgment, too.