Copyright 2015 J. Neely
Psalm 37:39
39 But the salvation [tashuw`ah] of the
righteous [tsaddiyq] is of
the LORD [Yahovah]: he is
their strength [ma`owz] in the
time [`eth] of
trouble [tsarah]. KJV-Interlinear
39 The salvation of the righteous is from
the LORD; he is their stronghold in the time of trouble. ESV
There are many
forms of deliverance, such as being saved or delivered from trouble and
difficulties in life, but there is only one salvation, which is the deliverance
from eternal condemnation.
When we are
separated from God, we have no destiny other than eternal condemnation. And
that is very big trouble for anyone who does not have a relationship with God.
But God in His
infinite wisdom, created a plan. It is a complex plan, but at same time a very
simple one.
The designation
here, the Lord, is a reference to the personal person of Jesus Christ, who
carries the title, Son of God, Messiah, Savior, among many other titles.
The word for Lord,
Jehovah, is a personal title, because a relationship with God, meaning the
entire Godhead, is available only through one member of the Godhead, namely
Jesus Christ. The word for Lord means self-existent one.
Throughout the
entire Bible, the subject of salvation is based on the failure of man, which is
corrected by the work of God, specifically Christ, in paying for that failure,
which is sin.
Salvation belongs
only to those who are designated as the righteous. The righteous, is anyone who
believes in the Son of God, Jesus Christ.
The word for
strength, maowz, means the rock, or power. And God and His plan are the
strongest power in the universe. It is a power that cannot be overcome by
anything, nor can it be canceled out by anything or undone by anything.
Therefore, this is eternal security.
Salvation does not
belong to the unrighteous, namely those who refuse to believe in Christ or
anything having to do with Christ. Therefore, there are two distinct categories
of people, which we commonly referred to as believers or unbelievers.
Unbelievers have
no salvation, and therefore no relationship with God. With this choice of their
own making, they doom themselves to an eternity of oblivion.
And for what it’s
worth, all trouble and problems in this world are of mans own making. And man
is incapable of correcting his own problems.
The phrase, in the
time of trouble, is a reference to man’s unsaved status. That is the biggest
and single most significant trouble in existence. And that is the biggest and
most significant trouble that needs to be corrected. And that correction is
through faith in Christ, which is a very simple thought.
And among the many,
many problems of this world, such as poverty or hunger or not having a new cell
phone, the greatest problem is being unsaved.
We will never
correct poverty or hunger, and there will always be things that we want but
cannot have. But the biggest problem is easily corrected by simply believing in
And that solution,
by faith, is the most permanent and most powerful solution in existence.
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purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a
phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever. To ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily
study means you will be incomplete, unfulfilled and you will lose out, big
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