Copyright 2016 J. Neely
Psalm 38:22
22 Make haste [chuwsh] to
help [`ezrah] me, O
Lord ['Adonay] my
salvation [tashuw`ah]. KJV-Interlinear
22 Make haste to help me, O Lord, my
salvation! ESV
This concludes one
of the Psalms of confession. And it clearly points out the dangers that sin and
the sin nature, have on ones life, if there is not some type of intervention
that will minimize those dangers, or even make them go away.
As a person lives
their life, they are faced with constant dangers from this world, most of which
come from the unseen realm, or beyond our ability to see the many factors that
can have an impact on our life.
Salvation, is the
most important condition that a person can have, because it places you within
the structure of God’s grace and mercy and blessing.
Spiritual growth,
likewise is one of the most important conditions that person can have, because
it builds your relationship with God through Christ, as well as completing the
structure of your own personal essence, meaning and purpose.
But sin and the
sin nature are ever present, and will destroy that relationship if you allow
them to, simply by ignoring your spiritual responsibilities.
confession is your ace in the hole, which allows you to maintain a functioning relationship
with God through Christ, so that your spiritual life will function as it
should, and your spiritual growth will complete your life as to the meaning and
purpose that God has intended for you.
And therefore the
close of the Psalm, make haste, and that is exactly what God does, when you
confess your sins, you are immediately restored into fellowship and into a
functional relationship with God.
Outside of
fellowship, you have the remainder of this Psalm, which clearly describes
sorrow and weakness and self-destruction, none of which are good things.
God is faithful,
and when He makes provision, He executes that provision immediately.
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can learn and understand and grow in your spiritual life, so that you can come
to the full knowledge of Christ, so that you can fulfill your meaning and
purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a
phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever. To ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily
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