Sunday, July 8, 2012

Psalm 18:31

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Psalm 18:31

31 For who is God ['elowahh] save [bil`adey] the LORD [Yahovah]? or who is a rock [tsuwr] save [zuwlah] our God ['elohiym]? KJV-Interlinear

31 For who is God, but the Lord? And who is a rock, except our God, NASB

Who is God, ‘elowahh,’ is a reference to deity.  But this is more than just deity, it is a reference to a legitimate deity, not some manmade or fashioned or imagined or invented deity.

So this question asks point blank, who is the real God?

Save, ‘bil adey,’ means except.  Who is God other than Jehovah?  Who can step up and claim that title?  Who is God except Jehovah?  And the answer is, there is no other being that can claim that title or authority or power or position.  Using the ‘except’ phrase, means that there is but one God.  There are not two or three or many gods.

There is only one God and that is Jehovah.

Lord, ‘Yahovah,’ means the self-existent one.  He is the ‘I Am’ who spoke to Moses, from the burning bush.

Jehovah is our English spelling, and is a reference to the personal name of the Lord, the one with whom we all interact in life.  This is the second person of the Trinity and named Jesus Christ.  The personal name gives us a personal relationship and access to the one and only legitimate deity.

The rock, ‘tsuwr,’ is a place of safety, a secure place high on a cliff, a boulder, a massive rock such that when you are near it, or on it, nothing can get to you, nothing can touch you, nothing can move you. It is the substance of a permanent foundation for life.  It protects you and secures you by means of its content, namely the Lord, who is truth, which is the Word, which is doctrine.

The word for save is repeated but a different word is used, ‘zuwlah,’ which means removal, except, besides, only, and comes to means all others are removed leaving only the Lord, who is Jehovah, who is the one and only God, who is the one and only place of safety both now and forever.  There is no other source for this type of protection and safety and guaranteed destiny.  All other religions and philosophies are removed as false.

God, ‘elohiym,’ is the plural form of God, but it does not refer to many gods, but only one God who is three in person and one in essence, namely the Father, Son, and Spirit.  This makes them all the same, not different, of one plan, not competing, of one essence, not unequal.  This makes them all co-eternal, co-infinite, co-equal.

This makes the Son, the deity, eternally existent, and distinguishes the deity from the born savior, but equates them in that Jesus Christ is the unique person of the universe, has always existed, and there was never a time in which He did not exist.  

Being God He is equal with God.  Being man, He is equal with man.  Making Him the one and only intermediary who is equal with both party’s.

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