Thursday, July 26, 2012

Ephesians 4:27

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Ephesians 4:27

27 Neither [mete] give [didomi] place [topos] to the devil. [diabolos] KJV-Interlinear

27 and do not give the devil an opportunity. NASB

The devil is an actual person, sometimes called Satan, the fallen angel whose name was originally Lucifer before he rebelled against God.

Also, the devil stands for many things, namely evil, lies, cheating, sin, anti-God, deceit, wickedness, arrogance, and on and on.

So, when a person is living those types of things, they are actually following the pattern of evil that Satan originated and is promoting in this world.

Satan is one angel.  There are well over seven billion people on this planet.  So, he cannot possibly be everywhere all the time.  But his policies and influence are everywhere, all of the time, and to live evil means that you allow the devil into your life by your adopting his policies.

Most people will never have any direct or even indirect access to Satan.  Surely, he is more interested in world leaders, which excludes over ninety-nine percent of the rest of us.

Satan does not have to be in each of our lives, as anyone who rejects truth, ignores doctrine and so forth will automatically do his bidding without even a single glance from him.

So, just as in the previous verse, you are to review your life regularly throughout the day, in order to make sure that you are keeping on track with your spiritual life, and not slipping away through spiritual laziness or sloppiness or procrastination, or indifference or whatever.

At bed time is a good time to review your life also, since it is generally a time when you are laying back, getting comfortable, relaxing from the days events, and have an opportunity to ponder your day and your life and Gods objectives and purpose for you.  It is also a good time to review your obligations to God and others and life.  It is the best therapy on the planet.

Remember that when you confess your sins, you are in fellowship, and any time spent while in fellowship is time well invested in your spiritual life.  So, being asleep while in fellowship gives you the potential of several uninterrupted hours in fellowship.  And that is a good thing.

Remember that works, your works, are irrelevant in the spiritual life, but your time in fellowship is very relevant.
The more time spent in the spiritual life, means more spiritual development, which by the way, God performs, not you.

So, ponder that when your head hits the pillow tonight .. and every night.

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