Sunday, November 13, 2011

Psalm 14:4

Copyright Ó 2011 J. Neely
Psalm 14:4

4 Have all the workers [pa`al] of iniquity ['aven] no knowledge [yada`]? who eat up ['akal] my people [`am] as they eat ['akal] bread, [lechem] and call [qara'] not upon the LORD. [Yahovah] KJV-Interlinear

4 Do all the workers of wickedness not know, Who eat up my people as they eat bread, And do not call upon the Lord? NASB

Why do people have no knowledge of God?  Everyone has the opportunity to learn of God. 

However spiritually negative people choose, of their own free will, to ignore, neglect, or invent their own truths about God.  Therefore their ignorance is voluntary and intentional due to their own decisions.

And since God is truth, and since people who lack knowledge of God do so of their own volition, then they intend to pursue lies, as they disregard truth.

Spiritually dysfunctional people lack knowledge.  Everyone who rejects, or maintains an indifference, or believes that they have a better way, actually prefer their errors over truth.

The Bible is the content of Gods word.  The Bible is the guide book of truth.  To disregard Gods mandates and procedures for learning truth, means that the individual cannot call on Gods name, and cannot worship Him.  Legitimate worship and function of the spiritual life demands a fellowship status.

You cannot worship truth while you are worshiping lies.

To eat bread is to perform a simple task.  To regard believers who pursue their spiritual lives just as you would eat bread, means to view believers with disdain, contempt, with low esteem, to mock, to make fun. To think little of them.

Unbelievers, and even negative believers make fun of people who live inconsistent lives.  Not that anyone is perfect, not that anyone who is a believer can live a life of perfection, but negative people will look at the lives of believers and mock or argue that God is not making them prosperous, not making them wealthy, not providing them with a perfect lifestyle.

Negative believers become dismayed with Christianity.  Their expectations were not met.  Unbelievers mock believers.  All look at the circumstances of life and evaluate God based on what is happening or is not happening in this world.  They do not look to the soul and its role in life.

However, God is not a genie.  God does not superimpose His will on human history with regard to things.  God did not intend for this life to be the final chapter of your life, only the preparatory phase for the next life.

Who does not call upon God?  And that means who does not make legitimate calls on God?

Everyone who does not abide by Gods will, but instead invent or define their own methods for a spiritual life.

And recall our study of the yesterday, there is no good, and that means no divine good that originates within people.  No one possesses it.  No one can invent it.  No one can claim it.  What you believe is good from the source of your own efforts or intentions, is not.

Good comes only from God.  God defines it.  God is the source of it.  And any divine good that funnels through you, must do so by means of Gods plan, not yours.

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