Romans 8:1
1 There is therefore [ara] now [nun] no [oudeis] condemnation [katakrima] to them which
are in [en] Christ [Christos] Jesus [Iesous], who walk [peripateo] not [me] after [kata] the flesh [sarx], but [alla] after [kata] the Spirit [pneuma]. KJV-Interlinear
1 There is therefore now no condemnation
for those who are in Christ Jesus. ESV
Therefore, there is no condemnation because of
salvation, as there is condemnation through the law of Moses.
This does not mean that we are exempt from sin, or the
repercussions of sin.
What it does mean is that the condemnation of the law,
does not apply to those who have believed in Jesus Christ and are saved.
Disregard doctrine in your spiritual life, and by
default live in sin, then you will suffer the consequences to go with sin, in this
life. You will also lose out on the opportunities of the spiritual life, and
lose out on the rewards of eternity as a result of an advanced spiritual life.
However, once saved always saved. And regardless of
how you live your life, whether good or bad, as a believer in Christ, your
destiny after death will be heaven.
Only those who have rejected Jesus Christ, and have
not believed in Jesus Christ, does the condemnation of an eternal Lake of Fire,
Remember however, that that condemnation of unbelief, results
from the failure to achieve salvation through works. Sin is not the issue in
eternal condemnation, because Christ paid the price of all sin. However, rejecting
Christ, leads you to your own efforts only, and that is works, and as we have
already seen, works cannot achieve what Christ has achieved on the cross.
We receive the benefit of His work by means of faith,
which is believing in Christ.
We don’t have to work for salvation, Christ has
already worked for salvation.
We cannot lose salvation, because once we have
believed, you cannot undo that belief. A thought that has already occurred,
cannot be removed as though it never occurred. Once saved always saved. And
that is eternal security.
Study [by instruction],
to show thyself
approved [spiritually mature]
unto God,
a workman [student]
that need not be
ashamed [ignorant],
rightly dividing [learning, understanding, discerning]
the word of truth [Bible doctrine].
If you can dream
and not make dreams your master,
If you can think
and not let thoughts narrow your views,
If you can meet
triumph with disaster equally,
If you can learn
and see your full meaning and purpose in life,
Then you can
believe in Christ, learn Bible doctrine, and grow far beyond the potential that
God has prepared for you.
These studies, are a part of the massive
daily study web site at DailyBibeStudy.Org, that is easily accessible, and are
written, so that you can come to Christ if you have not done so already, and
therefore not be lost forever.
if you have already believed in Christ, then these studies are written so you
can learn and understand and grow in your spiritual life, so that you can come
to the full knowledge of Christ, so that you can fulfill your meaning and
purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a
phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever.
ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily study means you will be incomplete, unfulfilled
and you will lose out, big time.
Daily Bible Study is online, making it possible as never before in all of human
history, to advance in ones relationship with God, through Christ, and to
complete yourself beyond your imagination.
you have to decide to make that commitment.
No one else can study for you.
You have to do that yourself.