Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Proverbs 1:30

Copyright  2016 J. Neely
Proverbs 1:30

30 They would ['abah] none of my counsel [`etsah]: they despised [na'ats] all my reproof [towkechah].   KJV-Interlinear

30 would have none of my counsel and despised all my reproof, ESV

Continuing on from verse 29. When a person has rejected knowledge, they are in effect rejecting Gods counsel. When a person has rejected knowledge, which comes from Bible doctrine, then the person rejects Gods corrections.

So, by rejecting knowledge, which means rejecting a daily study that teaches knowledge, then a person is isolating themselves away from truth, and away from true counsel.

Proper counseling helps you make decisions, correct decisions for life.

When you reject counsel, because you have rejected a daily study in the word of God, then you cannot make good decisions in life, because you lack good information.

Using only the world as your teacher, leaves you open to misinterpretation, misunderstanding, wrong conclusions, and therefore, wrong decisions.

And the worst wrong decision that anyone can have in life, is to think that they don’t need Bible doctrine.

Bible doctrine is the substance of truth, the building material of the soul, the structural integrity that is installed within your soul, which is the real you.

Without Bible doctrine in the soul, you are empty and incomplete.

Without Bible doctrine in the soul, you are nothing more than historical filler, making you pretty much a waste of time for history.

And who wants to be a waste of time?

Study [by instruction],
to show thyself approved [spiritually mature]
unto God,
a workman [student]
that need not be ashamed [ignorant],
rightly dividing [learning, understanding, discerning]
the word of truth [Bible doctrine].

If you can dream and not make dreams your master, 
If you can think and not let thoughts narrow your views, 
If you can meet triumph with disaster equally, 
If you can learn and see your full meaning and purpose in life,
Then you can believe in Christ, learn Bible doctrine, and grow far beyond the potential that God has prepared for you.

These studies are a part of the massive daily study web site at DailyBibeStudy.Org, and are written, so that you can come to Christ if you have not done so already, and therefore not be lost forever. 

And if you have already believed in Christ, then these studies are written so you can learn and understand and grow in your spiritual life, so that you can come to the full knowledge of Christ, so that you can fulfill your meaning and purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever.  To ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily study means you will be incomplete, unfulfilled and you will lose out, big time.

The Daily Bible Study is online, making it possible as never before in all of human history, to advance in ones relationship with God, through Christ, and to complete yourself beyond your imagination.

But you have to decide to make that commitment.  No one else can study for you.  You have to do that yourself.