Copyright 2016 J. Neely
Psalm 40:8
8 I delight [chaphets] to do [`asah] thy will [ratsown], O my God ['elohiym]: yea, thy law [towrah] is within [tavek] my heart [me`ah]. KJV-Interlinear
8 I delight to do your will, O my God; your
law is within my heart.” ESV
All three members
of the Godhead, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, follow the same divine plan. Unlike
the pretend gods of Greek mythology, who are always in conflict with each
other, the God of Christianity, follows one unifying and unchangeable plan.
There is only one
truth, and not multiple versions of truth.
There is only one divine
plan, and not multiple versions of the divine plan.
There is only one
spiritual life, and not multiple versions of the spiritual life.
And while there
are three individual members of the Godhead, they all possess the same essence,
or attributes, wherein we refer to them as one God.
The Bible is the
mind of Christ. The Bible is the mind of God. And in this verse, David speaks
the words that portray the attitude of Christ toward the Father and the Spirit.
The word for God,
in this verse, is in the plural, referring to all members of the Godhead.
The phrase, within
my heart, teaches us that belief should come from within ourselves, and not be
some superficial or external pretense, for appearances sake.
Study [by instruction],
to show thyself
approved [spiritually mature]
unto God,
a workman [student]
that need not be
ashamed [ignorant],
rightly dividing [learning, understanding, discerning]
the word of truth [Bible doctrine].
studies are a part of the massive daily study web site at DailyBibeStudy.Org,
and are written, so that you can come to Christ if you have not done so
already, and therefore not be lost forever.
if you have already believed in Christ, then these studies are written so you
can learn and understand and grow in your spiritual life, so that you can come
to the full knowledge of Christ, so that you can fulfill your meaning and
purpose in life as God intended for you, and so you can qualify for a
phenomenal eternal reward which you will have forever. To ignore this opportunity to pursue a daily
study means you will be incomplete, unfulfilled and you will lose out, big
Daily Bible Study is online, making it possible as never before in all of human
history, to advance in ones relationship with God, through Christ, and to complete
yourself beyond your imagination.
you have to decide to make that commitment.
No one else can study for you.
You have to do that yourself.