Sunday, April 29, 2012

Psalm 18:12

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Psalm 18:12

12 At the brightness [nogahh] that was before him his thick clouds [`ab] passed, [`abar] hail [barad] stones and coals [gechel] of fire. ['esh] KJV-Interlinear

12 From the brightness before Him passed His thick clouds, Hailstones and coals of fire. NASB

The storm is violent, dark, windy, rain pounding down, and then the lightning flashes are so bright that the light that flashes through the clouds, seem to make the clouds vanish as the flash of light shines through them, leaving only an outline or silhouette of sorts of the surrounding ever changing cloud formations.

When God executes His judgment upon mankind, in those final days of history, this is the picture being painted of violence and the constant motion of an ever changing environment of activity.  This judgment will be ongoing, and constant, day and night.  Those who are its victims will have no rest, no peace, no quite, no safety.

As the generations of humanity proceed through history, the indifference and disinterest in God will reach an all- time high, wherein man will believe himself to be invincible, and untouchable, and impossible to stop.

There will be virtually no respect for any higher power, as man believes himself to be the highest power that there is.  Even though man is always surrounded by natural disasters year after year, and only watches them as they come and go with little fear, and always certain of recovery.  After all there is always insurance, or government relief, and always someone on the way to help and restore life back to the way it was.

But in those final days, there will be no insurance, no relief, no one on their way to help.  The entire world will be engulfed in the most hostile of disasters imaginable.  But it will not be nature gone mad, but God launching His wrath upon evil mankind.

Storms of nature have no mind, no plan.  They ramble on due to the heat and cold and pressure or various natural forces on the planet.

But when this last series of storms erupts worldwide, it will be God behind the driving forces.  And from that there will be no recovery.  And the scariest part of all of this is, that unfortunately people who give no second thought to some arbitrary passing storm, will fail to give a second thought to this their last storm.

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