Friday, March 2, 2012

Ephesians 2:8

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Ephesians 2:8

8 For [gar] by grace [charis] are ye [este] saved [sozo] through [dia] faith; [pistis] and [kai] that [touto] not [ou] of [ek] yourselves: [humon] it is the gift [doron] of God: [theos] KJV-Interlinear

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; NASB

Grace is the foundation of Gods policy toward humanity.

Grace means favor. This is Gods courtesy, Gods kindness, Gods provision, that were it not for His grace, then even Salvation would not exist, along with all of creation.

Through faith, is the expression that eliminates mans works, mans merit.  There is nothing whatsoever that man can do to earn or deserve or provide salvation for himself.

Faith is non-meritorious.  Faith is a mere thought.  Faith is a trust, a reliance, a belief, a confidence of knowing that all that we have been told and know about God and His plan and His works, are in fact true and accurate, and more than that, that they are very real, and not imaginary or invented empty hopes.

All of mans philosophies and religions and theories and attitudes and beliefs, are nothing more than hopes and wishes in things that are not real, in so far as they place man at the center of his own existence, with complete indifference toward God.

Man is not destined to rule the galaxies.  Man is not destined to be one with nature or the universe.  Man is not destined to live and re-live his life while on a journey to some greater existence or accomplishment.

Mans works are rejected by God, as mans works are arrogance and nothing more.

Man is dust, and to presume that dust can accomplish something that God cannot, is pure foolishness.

To presume that dust can accomplish anything is foolishness.  Dust is not even responsible nor due any credit for its own attributes.

Not of yourselves, is a phrase that totally and completely eliminates mans effort in salvation.

Salvation is Gods gift to us.  A gift does not come from the object of the gift, but it comes only from the source.  Man does not grant to himself, a gift from God.  Gods gift is completely due to His favor.

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