Friday, February 6, 2015

Romans 3:11

Copyright Ó 2015 J. Neely
Romans 3:11

11 There is [esti] none [ou] that understandeth [suniemi], there is [esti] none [ou] that seeketh after [ekzeteo] God [theos].   KJV-Interlinear

11 no one understands; no one seeks for God.   ESV

On their own, there is no one who seeks after God.  Refusal to click a simple link and pursue knowledge or even to read a very short study is a loud testimony to that fact.  Mans pursuit of his own agenda is mans pursuit of evil objectives.

Bible doctrine is the only thing that gives man insight that God exists, and only then does that knowledge give rise to a positive attitude and desire for the spiritual life.

Apart from Bible doctrine, man would go his own way in total disregard of God, and thus the total depravity of man.

Understanding, is the comprehension of a subject based on fact and reality.  Lacking truth, then any understanding is compromised and obscured away from reality.

Therefore, on his own, it is impossible for any human being to attain legitimate understanding, because the truth that comes from God, is the only method of becoming oriented to life and the world around us.

The lack of a desire to seek God, indicates the propensity of humanities indifference toward truth and mans openness to the lies of the world.