Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Isaiah 11:2h

Copyright Ó 2013 J. Neely
Isaiah 11:2hues

2 And the spirit [ruwach] of the LORD [Yahovah] shall rest [nuwach] upon him, the spirit [ruwach] of wisdom [chokmah] and understanding, [biynah] the spirit [ruwach] of counsel [`etsah] and might, [gabuwrah] the spirit [ruwach] of knowledge [da`ath] and of the fear [yir'ah] of the LORD; [Yahovah] KJV-Interlinear

2 And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. NASB

Only believers in Jesus Christ have an opportunity to have a relationship with God through Him (Jesus Christ).

Only believers who are in fellowship, by means of confession, have a functioning spiritual environment in which to have a spiritual life.

Only believers have a functional supernatural mechanism for advancing them in their spiritual lives.

The functional supernatural mechanism which is available to every believer to carry them from anonymity to spiritual victory, is the same mechanism which carried Jesus Christ through His First Advent

Spirit - the power and force of the blast of wind from God in His heaven, a force more powerful than any in this universe, yet undetectable, unseen and unfelt, but very real.

Spirit 1 - fellowship. The mandatory state for the spiritual life to function within.

Spirit 2 - perception. The mandatory daily study activity for learning.

Spirit 3 - understanding. The working knowledge and application to your daily life.

Spirit 4 - counsel. Acknowledging that God is the ultimate authority and guide in life.

Spirit 5 - might. The strength, poise, and stabilizing power of ones soul.

Spirit 6 - wisdom. Clarity of thought, understanding, discernment and awareness.

Spirit 7 - fear. This is the pinnacle of the spiritual realm. The believer is aware of Gods plan and His policies and the vastness of Gods wisdom such that it boggles his mind and is beyond his comprehension.

The believer in Christ sees man in his only true state of total nonsense, depravity, and stupidity. The believer who has advanced to spiritual maturity stands in awe of God and all that He represents. The believer stands in a different awe with respect to just how stupid and blind mankind can be given all of the evidence and communication which God provides for mans edification, which is rejected by man simply because of arrogance.

The opinions of man and the world have little if any impact on the mature believer since the mature believer knows that all of mans knowledge and political opinions serve nothing but to perpetuate controversy while no real solutions come from them.

Mankind in his natural state is nothing more than the dust of the earth. Fit for nothing more than to hold the imprints of worm tracks. Only with Bible doctrine in the soul and its proper application to ones life can man be elevated (by God) higher than the angels and into tremendous positions of prosperity and wealth far beyond anything the world in all of its combined history will ever see.

Men with great cunning will come and go. Nations with great ideas will come and go. Empires with great power will come and go. None of them will make the permanent history books which are recorded in heaven.

When all of history is finished and the worlds great and small have vanished into a forgotten state, then only the mature believers, who have advanced to the highest levels in their spiritual lives, will have the greatest blessings, promotions, titles, privileges, honors, authority, wealth, wisdom and more, even beyond ones ability to imagine (Rev. 1-3).

20 Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us.  NASB

In all that we think or do, it is Gods plan and priority which makes His mandates first.  In Gods system the motivational virtue toward God is first and orientation toward a relationship with mankind is established. Gods purpose sets out Christ as first. Gods policy sets out His grace as first. In Gods objective for our spiritual life, our persistent study, establishes our momentum as first. And ultimately in Gods authority, it is His doctrine which must be first in our lives.

Achievement of spiritual maturity gives the believer the maximum stability and independence in life. Your thoughts and decisions come from a position of strength (Bible doctrine in the soul) rather than from a position of weakness (human wisdom in the soul).

The mature believer has achieved all three of the fundamental objectives described in the Bible, 'Christ formed in you,' Gal. 4:19, 'Christ at home in you,' Eph. 3:16-17, and 'Christ glorified in you,' Phil. 1:20-21.

The lesson of the seven spirits teaches us that these same powers sustained Jesus Christ while He was here on earth in His First Advent, and that these same powers and guidelines are available to each believer to sustain and to empower the believer to help him through anything that the world can throw at him, and to ultimately allow the believer to observe history as it unfolds right in front of him, knowing full well that Jesus Christ is revealing each and every historical event toward one ultimate end.

For our Church Age, that is to bring every possible person into the knowledge of Jesus Christ such that they will become believers for the Royal Family until its number is completed, and simultaneously to position the nations and powers into the array which Gods desires them to be in for the beginning of the Tribulation, immediately following the Rapture, when the Rapture finally occurs.

These then are the seven spirits of the spiritual life, which identify the means and mechanism of spiritual growth, which when seen in whole, are the most elementary and simplest of methods of living and advancing in ones life, but unfortunately over which the vast majority of humanity stumble for lack of seeing them due to the blindness caused by indifference, apathy, and ultimately arrogance.

Spirit 1 - fellowship. Confession of sins demanded by God in order for you to first be obedient to His rules and second for you to accept responsibility for your life, and third for you to humble yourself and cancel out your arrogance. 

Spirit 2 - perception through a daily study program. This is your daily meal of Bible doctrine for your soul. If you do not eat properly, you do not grow up nor will you stay healthy (spiritually healthy). 

Spirit 3 - understanding of what you have learned, by means of application, of what you have learned, to your daily life. You pray, you give, you support, you are obedient to Gods commands and so forth. This is the early stage of maturing, of being responsible, of being accountable for all that you think and do. 

Spirit 4 is the counsel stage of ones spiritual life. As you have learned through a daily study plan then you begin to set a pattern for your life by means of the principles which Gods teaches you through Bible doctrine.  Doctrine guides you through your day to day living.

Spirit 5 - might. Your life is more stable. You have a greater and more relaxed mental attitude. You have greater poise and can deal with problems in a much easier and organized fashion. Things in life do not bother you as much as they did in the past. You have less stress because your confidence is growing, in God and His provision for your situation.

Spirit 6 - wisdom.  The solidifying of the foundation of your soul and the substance upon which faith is constructed and strengthened.  Your eyes are opened and life actually makes sense.  Your eyes focus not on your immediate life now, but toward heaven and the great eternity that lies beyond.

Spirit 7 - fear. This is the pinnacle of the spiritual realm. The believer is aware of Gods plan and His policies and the vastness of Gods wisdom such that it boggles his mind and is beyond his comprehension.

So few of humanity achieve this advanced level of their life. Although it is available and achievable by and for anyone and everyone, the sin nature and the worlds enticements and ones personal opinions and attitudes just get in the way and the phenomenal future that God has prepared for each of us, is not attained.

Resolve to dedicate your efforts to achieve the ultimate growth and completeness possible for your own personal life.

There are only two alternatives available to you in life, Gods option or something else of your choosing. 

And all of the options which you choose that exclude God will lead you to total failure in life.

Only Gods option will lead to success and victory in life, now and forever.

The seven spirits are aptly named for they describe the breathing, the inhale and exhale, of the moment by moment spiritual life that is so easy to follow, and yet is the biggest obstacle when arrogance runs ones life.

God has a plan.  It incorporates everything great and small for each individual and for all of world history in its entirety.

God has a plan for your life which began with your physical birth and entrance into life, and continues with your rebirth in your spiritual life when you believed in Christ. That plan is designed to advance you to a point of completion that is not achievable in this world.

You just have to decide to want it, really want it, and then set aside your opinions and ideas, and look to Gods mandates and principles and rules for functioning within and advancing in your spiritual life.  And then pursuing Gods plan as God has designed it.