Saturday, May 28, 2011

Psalm 9:17

Copyright Ó 2011 J. Neely
Psalm 9:17

17 The wicked [rasha`] shall be turned [shuwb] into hell, [sha'owl] and all the nations [gowy] that forget [shakeach] God. ['elohiym] KJV-Interlinear

17 The wicked will return to Sheol, Even all the nations who forget God. NASB

The wicked, specifically unbelievers will return to Sheol, 'sheowl', the world of the dead, subterranean retreat, inmates prison.

There are four compartments in the underworld. There is Tartarus, Torments, Abyss, and Paradise. Torments is the place where unbelievers go when they die and it is not a good place to be in. There they await until the end of history, for the second death which will come at the Great White Throne at the end of the Millennium. 

Torments, is separated from the other compartments by a great gulf deep, meaning impassable. Its occupants are trapped permanently there with absolutely no way out, until Christ calls them out for their final trial before the Great White Throne.

The nations, refers to the many peoples that will come from many nations, from all over the world throughout history.  And many will be in this place in the underworld. They neither desire God not regard God in their daily lives. They do not desire the knowledge of God but seek their own counsel for guidance in life.

Their own counsel is based on darkness and detachment from truth. Therefore they have no genuine guide, or course with which to travel by or even measure their advancement or deviation from a correct course in life. They are traveling blind and do not see, or they refuse to see their demise which lies in front of them.

The wicked seem to think that they can run this world through their oppression. They make great sounding speeches to gain the support of the masses, the poor, those in need, or those who are not in power, but they hold out a different standard for themselves. They make laws for us, and change them for themselves as they see fit.

The wicked is not limited to only tyrant rulers, but includes all people, rich or poor, who pursue their own course in life, to the exclusion of Gods authorized plan. Most probably maintain an indifferent attitude toward God, Christ, and doctrine, substituting their own priorities in life, from this temporary world.

Consequently their priorities are temporary as well.

And as such, all people who reject God, Christ, doctrine, and therefore truth, will fail in life, at the end of their life, by the event of death.

People can only succeed in their own eyes, while they are alive in this world, but then after death, do they then realize that they have gained and succeeded in nothing.  And that is unfortunate for them.

For the poor, who reject Christ and doctrine, their failure in life is only extended and magnified by their bitterness in their failure in life in general.

For the wealthy, who reject Christ, their success in life only serves as a blinder to their ultimate failure when they are introduced to eternity through death.

And Sheol though a general term referring to the land of the dead, applies to everyone, whether believer or unbeliever, because all peoples lives, whether positive of negative toward God, come to a halt when they die.

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