Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Isaiah 15:3

Copyright Ó 2013 J. Neely
Isaiah 15:3ues

3 In their streets [chuwts] they shall gird [chagar] themselves with sackcloth [saq]: on the tops [gag] of their houses, and in their streets [rachob], every one shall howl [yalal], weeping [Bakiy] abundantly [yarad].  KJV-Interlinear

3 In their streets they have girded themselves with sackcloth; On their housetops and in their squares Everyone is wailing, dissolved in tears.  NASB

From the comforts of what nearly everyone sees or wants to believe, as the place of unchanging safety, the home, the streets, the places of work and commerce, then the Moabites, and all, will see their entire world unraveling.

Were it not for these words of prophecy, then people might see these events and any event as a matter of chance or events in the normal due course of human nature.

But when a people perceives themselves as the masters of their own destiny, and still their entire world unravels with shocking and unimaginable destruction and with near impossible speed, then it is difficult to not believe that there is a far greater power and will at work.

And yet even in our current time, huge earthquakes and tsunamis and other major catastrophes of nature and even from war actions, can happen upon a society or a region and within seemingly minutes, unbelievable destruction and death can occur, leaving those who survive with little or nothing except days and weeks and months and even years of recovery, in order to gain back some semblance of their former lives.

But here, God promises that evil will pay, and when it is time, God will cause these events to occur with formidable and certain and complete and overwhelming thoroughness.

And for an entire people to be brought low to the point of extreme grief in tears, in howling, in abundance, in the many outward manifestations of great sorrow and loss, especially those who never seemed to respect anyone but themselves, nor held an ounce of empathy for others, which you will find in elite classes of society, then these expressions are brought to bear in the most deeply and private personal way, and yet become grossly public, that in any other time would be embarrassing.

So, the hard realities of an anti-God life are all culminated in huge sorrow, pain, and suffering, that, in those final days of history will be permanently fatal.  There will be no recovery, no restoration to the way things were, no relief, no rescue. There will be nothing but the terror of ones final end.

And the really sad thing is, that every generation since Isaiah, did not take his words seriously.  Very few take these words seriously even today.  Governments of the world are racing to deceive themselves and society in their many delusional idealisms.  Society is racing to embrace those same deceptions.

And as the world and history, since the 1800’s or thereabouts has been rapidly racing toward increased activities and attributes of many kinds, and so too, the world has been racing in the opposite direction away from God, so is it any wonder that these prophecies will certainly occur, and with great surprise odd as that may seem, for the vast majority.