Saturday, June 23, 2012

Psalm 18:26

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Psalm 18:26

26 With the pure [barar] thou wilt shew thyself pure; [barar] and with the froward [`iqqesh] thou wilt shew thyself froward. [pathal] KJV-Interlinear

26 With the pure Thou dost show Thyself pure; And with the crooked Thou dost show Thyself astute.  NASB

With the pure, ‘barar,’ is a reference to the person who is pure in mind, thoughts and actions.  This eliminates those who say one thing but think another.  This eliminates those who present themselves as pure, but are in fact impure.

Purity in ones life must be consistent throughout ones essence from mind to thoughts to intents, to actions.  Any inconsistency is not purity.

Bible doctrine is truth.  Truth is pure, untainted, correct, properly oriented, unpolluted, uncompromised.

Truth functions properly when the individual is in fellowship.  Fellowship is attained when you confess your sins to God the Father.  Fellowship is maintained, when you live apart from sin.  Once you commit a sin you are immediately out of fellowship, and must confess that sin and any other sins, in order to recover your fellowship status.

When you live your life in fellowship, and therefore function in accordance with truth, then God will in turn deal with you, on that same level – truth.  God deals with you, God hears your prayers, sees your status, blesses you, interacts positively with you in accordance with His divine policies in truth.

Froward, ‘iqqesh,’ means distorted, false, perverse.  This is used in reference to evil or wicked or out-of-fellowship people.

Froward, ‘pathal,’ means struggle, unsavory, wrestle. This is used in reference to Gods policies as He deals with people.

So, for unsavory people, God will deal with them in unsavory means, which is discipline, or judgment.  Unsavory means simply that which is not pleasant.

If you wish to live life in unpleasantness, then God will deal with you accordingly.  He will pile on unpleasantness, in order that you will actually have that which you live by and therefore pursue.

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