Friday, September 9, 2011

2 Timothy 2:16

Copyright Ó 2011 J. Neely
2 Timothy 2:16

16 But [de] shun [periistemi] profane [bebelos] and vain babblings: [kenophonia] for [gar] they will increase [prokopto] unto [epi] more [pleion] ungodliness. [asebeia] KJV-Interlinear

16 But avoid worldly and empty chatter, for it will lead to further ungodliness, NASB

In contrast to guarding the truth, mentioned in the previous verse, one should take care not to get caught up in the worthless chatter which the world generally promotes as wisdom, but is not.

Vain babblings mean empty chatter.  Opinions infinito which carry absolutely no truth or worth within them.

False comments, false interpretations, false philosophies, false beliefs, and so forth cannot restrain the flesh or sin, but in fact promote it.  They provide no defense against sin or wickedness, but in fact promote them.  They cannot halt Satan or his policies, but in fact perpetuate them.

There is no such thing as a wrong that causes no harm.  There is no such thing as a violence free infraction.  There is no such thing as a no victim, where sin, iniquity, wickedness, crime, and such are concerned.

Paul is not speaking of the influence over unbelievers or even immature believers alone.  All falsehoods can affect and infect anyone if given the chance or attention.

Homosexuality, alternative living arrangements, use of drugs or alcohol, conscientious objection, and so forth are often viewed as choices that cause no harm to anyone.  That is false.

When society adopts loose morals in one area, it can quickly infect and affect other areas of belief, and it does.  Consequently social standards and morals become less strict and more accommodating .  More often than not, when a topic is discussed over and over and over, then it becomes acceptable truth, ie. evolution, social justice, global warming, dignity of man, plurality of salvation methods, etc.

And if you get caught up in any of these, while simultaneously slipping away from sound doctrine, then you too will get caught in the chatter trap of useless and empty world opinion and beliefs.

Therefore, there is only one defense against this trap, and that is a healthy and regular dose of daily bible study.

By maintaining an open mind in doctrine, by maintaining an open link with God by means of your fellowship connection (via confession), by maintaining and sustaining your advancement toward spiritual maturity, then you will possess the necessary protection (armor of God) and discernment for preventing your stumbling in useless worldly chatter.

What is at stake is your life – exactly, your life, your eternal life, your eternal evaluation of which you are preparing for right now.  Do not lose sight of it.  Do not lose it.

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