Sunday, December 27, 2009

1 Timothy 2:10

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1 Timothy 2:10


10 But [alla] (which [hos] becometh [prepo] women [gune] professing [epaggello] godliness [theosebeia]) with [dia] good [agathos] works. [ergon] KJV-Interlinear

10 but rather by means of good works, as befits women making a claim to godliness. NASB

If you read these past few verses without any further understanding, then all you would have got out of them was that men were to raise their arms and women were to remove their jewelry and seductive clothing. And that would not make a whole lot of sense to anyone.

But of course our subject is, living the spiritual life, not posture and not fashion.

Attitude and genuineness of one’s spiritual status exists in the soul, not on the outside of the body.

By emphasizing ones outward appearance, whether raising ones arms, or wearing fifth avenue fashions, serves only one master, and that is, ego. Whether vanity or approbation, when your intent is to impress people, then your priorities have strayed out of bounds with God.

To profess godliness, you must back that appearance up with good works.

And what exactly is godliness, ‘theosebeia?’ And what are good works, ‘agathos?’ Not what you think.

Godliness is not an outward appearance, but an inner content of soul. Godliness is knowledge of Bible doctrine, obedience to Gods mandates, spiritual growth, the manifestation of ones spiritual resources from within ones soul.

Good works come from the production of, or the application of, the doctrine that you possess within your soul.

Your primary production is obedience to Gods mandates, such as confession, remaining in fellowship, daily study, daily growth, persistence in all of these things, humility of soul, no phony claims, no pretense, no boasting, and so forth. Obedience in prayer, fundamental honesty, integrity, and such. The absence of arrogance driven vanity or ego.

To promote ones self by means of jewelry and seductive clothing is wrong.

But by the same token, to play the part of the peasant to simulate spirituality, is wrong as well.

Clothing and accessories are irrelevant in the spiritual life. Ones mental attitude is relevant.

Posture and noise are irrelevant in the spiritual life. Anyone can make noise and raise hands, and say hallelujah.

Ones mental attitude is relevant.

Your real beauty, your real posture, begin from within the soul. And the content of your soul begin and continue with your daily study of doctrine.

You cannot get around a daily study. That is your mandated command from God, and your only means to spiritual maturity. And, it is intended to last you all of your life, not just occasionally, not only when it is convenient, not only during holidays, but every day of your life. No exceptions.

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