Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Job 35:8

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 35:8

8 Thy wickedness [resha`] may hurt a man ['iysh] as thou art; and thy righteousness [tsadaqah] may profit the son [ben] of man ['adam]. KJV-Interlinear

8 'Your wickedness is for a man like yourself, And your righteousness is for a son of man. NASB

There are two views in life - Gods view and mans view. Gods view is truth, mans view can incorporate nearly everything man can think of, whether good or bad, whether convenient or expeditious.

And to this end, mans views in life are generally centered around what his senses can detect, what his logic can reason, and what his beliefs want to accept.

When man excludes truth from his thinking process, then his views will be distorted and he will be led by lies. When man includes truth in his views, then he may have a tendency to lean back toward a true perspective of life. Certainly he has a better chance of getting things right.

But man, who has a tendency to follow the pattern of thought he has been raised with, may very well reason that life is what you put in to it, or that life is a matter of luck, or that life is a matter of who you know and so forth.

And while these may be truths when operating within the jungle setting of the world, they exclude the input which God contributes to life and history.

Mans wickedness brings harm only to himself. Never to God. Mans righteousness brings harm only to himself, never to God.

All wickedness and all human good are from the same source, namely arrogance. Sin and human good are opposite ends of the spectrum of the carnal life of man.

The only thing that benefits man comes from the spiritual life, and the spiritual life never originates from man. It only comes from God.

Man is never the source of good. That originates from the doctrine that may be within man by means of spiritual growth.

Man is dust, and life generated by God, and placed within dust. Dust cannot originate anything.

Man gains benefit from God by means of positive volition, by a steady and consistent daily study of the scriptures, by maintaining himself within the fellowship sphere, by applying what he learns from the spiritual life to his daily life, and by growing up spiritually.

You must receive anything of value in life, from God and from no other source.

Life is not a matter of luck, connections, circumstances, talent, or anything else which may be even considered as an attribute of human existence, which by the way all comes from God as well. Your best (your only) bargain in life comes from doctrine and from no other source.