Monday, March 10, 2008

Job 34:31

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 34:31

31 Surely it is meet to be said ['amar] unto God ['el], I have borne [nasa'] chastisement, I will not offend [chabal] any more: KJV-Interlinear

31 'For has anyone said to God, 'I have borne chastisement; I will not offend anymore; NASB

At first reading this appears to be a whining of a person caught up in a sin of some sort. Admitting to the sin and then promising to not do it again. 'Ok! Ok! Take the pain away and I won't do it ever again!'

But, even though people probably do this all of the time, this is not the meaning of this verse.

The meaning of the phrase 'borne chastisement' is 'I have borne,' or 'I bear,' which is an acknowledgement of the transgression and therefore an admission or a repentance of the sin. In other words, 'I repent.'

This is a confessional statement.

Elihu is not directing this statement at Job, or even at the three friends. He is merely stating a known truth. Known to them at least. Far too many folks in our day do not understand the concept of confession. It generally is considered nothing more than a scene you see in a movie. 'Hear my confession. Forgive me for I have sinned.' Lines typically used with a priest, but even though their intent is right, their application if wrong.

No human pastor, priest, or anyone can hear your confession and forgive you of your sins. That rests alone with God the Father and no one else. Your sins are between you and God and are no ones else's business.

Now, depending on your sins, if they are of a criminal nature then you have to deal with the legal system and the due process of a trial, jail and such things. But as for social sins, personal sins, sins that are not of a criminal nature, then of course they are no one else's business.

By making known in public, the errors of your ways, all you do is feed a gossip system. And that just accelerates and multiplies the sin into an even greater transgression by more folks. Nothing is gained by it.

All sin is against God. All sin is confessed to the Father and to no one else. All confession is a believer function only. This does not apply to unbelievers.

Unbelievers must first acknowledge Jesus Christ, and therefore become saved, before their spiritual life becomes functional.

When Jesus Christ went to the Cross, He received the punishment for all sins. The sins were not forgiven.

When a person initially believes in Christ, their acknowledgement is simultaneously a confession of there failure and their need for Christ in their life. All people when saved, are entered into fellowship - at least for a little while.

When you commit a sin, and you will, then you get yourself out of fellowship and confession is required in order to get back into fellowship.

Within the fellowship sphere is the place where you should live your life. Within the fellowship sphere is the only place where your spiritual life functions.

And thus Elihu states, 'I will not offend anymore.'

When you acknowledge your sins to God, then He is faithful and forgives them (those stated sins, as well as sins which you have forgotten about), 1 Jn. 1:9. All are forgiven and expunged from existence. You are to forget them and move on with your life. No second thoughts, no guilt, no sorry for self stuff, do not wallow in your sins and misery.

You are then back in fellowship, 'Sin no more,' that is until the next time you slip (sin) in your spiritual life.

And by the way, this process does not give you an out for committing sins, your pattern of life will get you into trouble if you try to play games with God and His mandates.

And of course living within the fellowship sphere sets you up for learning doctrine and growing up to spiritual maturity. That study begins in the next verse.