Sunday, December 2, 2012

Psalm 20:9

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Psalm 20:9

9 Save, [yasha`] LORD: [Yahovah] let the king [melek] hear [`anah] us when [yowm] we call. [qara'] KJV-Interlinear

9 Save, O Lord; May the King answer us in the day we call. NASB

At the beginning of this psalm, there is a petition to God, to hear.

Throughout the psalm there is assurance that God will hear, when the person prays in accordance with Gods rules of the spiritual process.

And now at the end of the psalm, there is the confidence that God will deliver on His promise to answer all legitimate prayer, and fulfill the request.

The King, is God.

Save, is the answer God will provide for the prayer request.

When we call, is a prayer offered to God the Father, while in fellowship, in the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ, and in accordance with Gods divine plan for history and for the individual who is praying.

All prayer is directed to the Father.

All prayer must be submitted while in fellowship.

All spiritual activity of the individual functions only while you are in fellowship.

Fellowship status is acquired when the person confesses his sins to the Father.  ‘Father I did this and that and this and that.’  Fellowship is lost when you commit the next sin.  Then the confession process must be repeated.

All prayer must be compatible with Gods overall plan for creation, for humanity, for each respective historical era, for the individual life of the believer.

Prayers from unbelievers are never heard.  Unbelievers do not have any spiritual apparatus for interaction with God, with one exception, and that exception is when they believe in Christ and are then saved.  That is the only expression that God recognizes from unbelievers, namely the moment that they believe in Christ. 

Then they become believers and a whole new set of rules governs their lives as believers.  And that new set of rules includes confession for fellowship, study for learning knowledge, usage of biblical principles for understanding, and the repetition of all of this for spiritual growth to maturity.

All of this activity excludes everything of the world, everything valued by man, everything initiated by man.  The spiritual life is Gods gift, of which God is the source, the effort, and the completion.

Mans effort and self-credit are rejected by God.