Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Isaiah 3:20

Copyright Ó 2012 J. Neely
Isaiah 3:20

20 The bonnets, [pa'er] and the ornaments of the legs, [tsa`adah] and the headbands, [qishshur] and the tablets [nephesh], [bayith] and the earrings, [lachash] KJV-Interlinear

20 headdresses, ankle chains, sashes, perfume boxes, amulets, NASB

The bonnets are hats or turban style head accessories worn by both male and female alike, with different style appropriate to each gender.

Ornaments of the legs, is more than decorations, as ‘tsa adah,’ refers to a measured step, which herein infers the measured lifestyle, the intentional lifestyle of evil of the individual.  This is not an accidental lifestyle, but intentional.  And that means a proactive rejection of God and a proactive pursuit of the evils of the world.

Headbands, is simply put and straight forward.  Headbands are not of the athletic type, but accessories intended for beauty.  Headbands are used to keep things in their place.

Tablets, ‘nephesh,’ is a reference typically of the breathing soul, and refers to the breathing or fragrance of perfumes.  ‘Bayith,’ refers to fragrance boxes.

Earrings, ‘lachash,’ means to whisper or hissing, to conjure, to charm, and comes from the hissing sounds of serpents.  And as they have a reference to the ears where sounds are heard, then all that the individual hears is the sounds of the world, or of evil that surrounds them on the exterior, from head to foot, similar to the accessories that they wear.

This leaves no room for doctrine as the head is shielded by a hat or veil or turban, blocking out truth and locking or holding in the lies of life.

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