Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Revelation 14:16

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Revelation 14:16

16 And [kai] he that sat [kathemai] on [epi] the cloud [nephele] thrust in [ballo] his [autos] sickle [drepanon] on [epi] the earth; [ge] and [kai] the earth [ge] was reaped. [therizo] KJV-Interlinear

16 And He who sat on the cloud swung His sickle over the earth; and the earth was reaped. NASB

The person sitting on the cloud was identified in verse 14. This is Jesus Christ, symbolically represented in all of His glory and majesty and authority and power.

Thrust, ‘ballo,’ means to throw, to arise, to cast, to strike, with deliberate and lightning quick intensity.

Reaped, ‘therizo,’ means to harvest in the heat, in the summer time, when the crops are in their proper season.

Jesus Christ controls history. He does his work not a moment too soon, and not a moment to late. His timing is perfect. In life, nothing is by accident. Everything has a purpose, or a cause, or an effect.

From Gods point of view, there are no accidents, no surprises. He recorded the divine decrees in eternity past, and in those decrees are recorded every thought, every intent, every spoken word, every action, everything that will ever occur in all of human history.

And as the Tribulation advances toward its climatic finish, Christ will be there to collect, without a moments delay, every believing soul. None will be lost. None will be forgotten. None will be overlooked.

On this earth, people are forgotten all the time. Entire generations are forgotten. Look back over the last 6000 years of human history and write down how many names you remember or knew, of the trillions of people who have been born, lived and died.

But in heaven, God has a record of every last person. None are forgotten. None are ever misplaced.

You are a very important person, in Gods eyes. God has put together a phenomenal universe, and history, just so you could have a life, and a life in eternity, with Him.

Though we are all nothing more than specks of dust, God has made each one of us heirs of the next universe and heaven, and more. That is far, far more than you could obtain in a hundred lifetimes on this earth.

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