Friday, January 29, 2010

1 Timothy 4:9

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1 Timothy 4:9


9 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation. KJV-Interlinear

9 It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance. NASB

Paul follows verse eight with this statement, ‘This is a self evident truth.’

The fact that emphasis on the spiritual life is more profitable and more beneficial, than any emphasis on the physical body should be keenly obvious to everyone.

The physical side of life will last only as long as your lifespan, and then is ends.

The spiritual side of life runs concurrently with your physical life, but continues on into the next life and will run forever, without ever ending. That means for all of eternity.

So, this is a short study today, because the emphasis is on the importance of your spiritual life. To live your life now, with little or no attention paid to your spiritual life, is the decision of a fool.

Your destiny exists in eternity, and not in this present life. Whatever it is that you do in this life (work, school, play, etc.), is merely filling the role of logistical support for your life now, such that you will have the means to spend time on your spiritual life.

Concurrent with your physical life, you have the opportunity to learn fundamental principles of life, such as responsibility, accountability, honesty, and so forth.

Most folks unfortunately place emphasis on their current life, and ignore their spiritual life. They pursue their education, their work, their accumulation of wealth or hobbies or whatever, and they give little or no attention to their spiritual life. And those who do have some semblance of a spiritual life, generally make only a courteous gesture toward their spiritual life when it is convenient. And unfortunately their spiritual life is nothing more than a pretense.

What God has waiting for each person, is a vast blessing and reward package for eternity, but in order to receive it, you have to advance to spiritual maturity.

Unlike in this world where vary few can achieve great wealth, in eternity everyone has the opportunity to receive vast wealth, beyond ones wildest dreams, beyond ones imagination. And it is there just for the taking, so to speak.

Wouldn’t you love to be a multi-billionaire or multi-trillionaire now? Well, most folks certainly would not turn down that paycheck. However, by ignoring the spiritual life, you are doing just that.

Therefore, place emphasis on your spiritual growth to maturity, do not ignore it, and your life now, and especially in the next life, you will be very glad you did.

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