Sunday, January 24, 2010

1 Timothy 4:4

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1 Timothy 4:4


4 For [hoti] every [pas] creature [ktisma] of God [theos] is good, [kalos] and [kai] nothing [oudeis] to be refused, [apobletos] if it be received [lambano] with [meta] thanksgiving: [eucharistia] KJV-Interlinear

4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude; NASB

At the close of the restoration of the earth, God pronounced that everything that He had made, was good, Gen. 1:31.

All things that come from God are good. There is nothing bad that ever comes from God. The bad things of this world, all of them, come as the result of Satan’s sin, not God.

Rom 11:36
36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen. NASB

When Adam and Eve were in the Garden, all was perfect. When they sinned, then the decay of creation began for humanity. It had already started for the universe when Satan rebelled, Rom. 8:22.

Why are there bad things in this world? Because of Satan’s rebellion first, and mans sin second.

Were it not for either of these, and they will all be put away when history ends, then nothing bad would or will every exist again. God created perfection, both man and angel rebelled against perfection.

And when you reject perfection, then you have imperfection. That is really not a complicated concept to understand.

So, God gave us marriage, God gave us food, and so on and so forth. These things are sanctified (set apart) for good and should be taken with full appreciation and enjoyment, and thankfulness.

The word for thanksgiving, ‘eucharistia,’ means gratefulness. Were it not for God, we would have nothing.

Remember the big picture here. We are dust, specks of dust. And how much significance does dust have in this universe? None. That makes each one of us, insignificant.

But God took dust and formed beautiful people. Sin caused deformities, etc.

God took dust and inserted human life into it. God gave humanity the free will to think and make decisions with rational cognitive thought. What has man done in comparison? Nothing even close.

Why would anyone take something that God has done for our good, and arbitrarily make it out to be bad?

Only those who promote false concepts. Only those who want to control your thinking for the benefit of their own ego or control or their lust for power.

The fundamental error of apostate teaching, is found in its rejection of truth. All false teaching, all false opinions, all false religions, all false anything, is a denial and rejection of Gods Word, which is truth.

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