Monday, October 5, 2009

2 Thessalonians 1:2

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2 Thessalonians 1:2

Bible Study Notebook

2 Grace [charis] unto you, [humin] and [kai] peace, [eirene] from [apo] God [theos] our [hemon] Father [pater] and [kai] the Lord [kurios] Jesus [Iesous] Christ. [Christos] KJV-Interlinear

2 Grace to you and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. NASB

Grace means favor and peace means prosperity, and there is only one source of true prosperity and favor and that is from God the Father.

However, humanity does not have direct access to the Father, since the plan of the Father requires that man approach Him through the Son, Jesus Christ.

That is the single and biggest difference that sets Christianity apart, from all other beliefs, religions, philosophies and so forth.

All non-Christian approaches to God, seek direct access to the Father, or some other similar deity or concept, based on human attributes alone. That is to say, man by means of mans efforts can gain access and approval from God.

Christianity however discounts mans efforts as being no more valuable than the arrogance that creates mans efforts, which means that mans efforts have no value whatsoever. Therefore, the emphasis is on Gods efforts, specifically that of Christ, who went to the Cross and paid the debt of mans sins, in behalf of mankind.

So the fundamental principle of Christianity is faith in God (the Father), through Christ.

The fundamental rejection of this plan is rejection of Christ, in mans attempt to approach the Father directly. Man in his arrogance, presumes that he is capable of overcoming his weakness and flaws himself, and therefore God should accept him.

The ultimate objective of life is gaining the favor from the highest authority and power, in heaven and the universe. Favor means gaining the perks and benefits of having a relationship with someone who has unlimited resources and wealth and power. God is of course the best connection that anyone can possibly have.

Possessing the favor of God means that you have entered into the proprietary club, as it were, where believers only are eligible for the blessings that He has to give. As you advance in your spiritual life, these blessings grow exponentially with your growth.

The result is peace, which means prosperity, security, happiness, contentment, meaning and fulfillment in ones life, and all of these kinds of things.

Grace and peace come only from God the Father. Grace and peace come only through Jesus Christ. Grace and peace, come only within the framework of Christianity, and increase dramatically with spiritual growth.