Friday, October 30, 2009

Flaws of Islam

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Flaws of Islam

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Islam is the second largest belief in the world. Second only to Christianity, Islam claims approximately one to one-and-a-half billion followers.

Islam is the correct name for the religion, as Muslim is the correct name for the person who follows Islam.

In the seventh century A.D., the prophet Muhammad claimed that God (Allah) revealed to him through the angel Gabriel, the words of Islam.

The name of Islam, means ‘to submit’ to Allah’s will.

The book of Islam is called the Qur’an.

Among the many differences between Christianity and Islam, is found in the respective attitudes demonstrated toward criticisms. Where Christians are taught to be tolerant and respect the ideas and criticisms of others, Muslims take criticisms of Islam as disrespectful and they can be extremely intolerant even to the point of violent towards any who criticize them.

Islam was founded by an Arabian named Muhammad who lived between 570 and 632 A.D. Born in Mecca he claimed to have received divine revelations from God through Gabriel in 610 A.D. These revelations were told to others who wrote them down in the book called Qur’an. Muhammad was illiterate and could neither read nor write.

There are two principle views in Islam. First there is the view of the Sunni’s and second the view of the Shi’ites. The Sunni view is by far the more dominant view, approximately 90%. There are also Muslim mystics called Sufis, and more recently an American movement called Black Muslims.

Islam holds six basic beliefs.

First, Allah is the one true God.
Second, Angels exist.
Third, the Qur’an was the last and final book of a long series of books revealed by God (including the Old and New Testaments).
Fourth, God sent 124,000 prophets to mankind. The six principle prophets are Adam (the chosen of Allah), Noah (the preacher of Allah), Abraham (the friend of Allah), Moses (the speaker of Allah), Jesus (the word of Allah), and Muhammad (the apostle of Allah). Muhammad is considered the greatest of all the prophets.
Fifth, Islam teaches in predestination, and that everything that happens, both good and evil, is the will of Allah.
Sixth, there will be a day of judgment. In that day, all of the deeds of men will be placed on a scale. Those who have sufficient personal merit will go into heaven and those who do not will go into eternal hell.

Note one thing here. Christianity looks to Gods work and mans faith in Jesus Christ, for eternal salvation, while Islam looks to mans individual effort for eternal life.

Islam calls for six fundamental practices.
First, reciting the creed of Islam, ‘There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet.’
Second, to pray five times daily in certain prescribed postures.
Third, to observe a month of fasting called Ramadan.
Fourth, to give alms to the poor.
Fifth, to make a pilgrimage to Mecca, at least once in their lifetime.
Sixth, to obey the call to jihad.

Now these are the basics of Islam. The problem arises in that Islam states that the Bible is its fundamental initial source document, and that therein causes many flaws in Islam to come to the surface.

Islam claims only one God, one person. The Bible claims one God but three persons in the Godhead (Father, Son, and Spirit), Matt. 28:19, John 1:1, 14, Acts 5:3-4, Gen. 1. The word for Elohim, in the Bible is plural.

Qur’an Sura 5:116 states that the Trinity is the Father, Mother (Mary), and Son, and that this is derogatory toward Allah.

Qur’an Sura 43:59 states that Jesus is mortal and nothing more.
Sura 19:20,34 states that Jesus himself denied that he was God, but was only a messenger of Allah.

Of course these are never recorded in the Bible, which Islam claims is the foundation of the Qur’an.
Jesus claimed to be God, in the Bible, and was thus indicted for His crucifixion, however, Islam claims that Jesus claimed otherwise. Thus a contradiction between the two. Note quickly that the gospels were written 600 years before the Qur’an.

Islam has no means of salvation other than it is achieved through obedience to the teachings Allah. In other words, man has to earn his salvation.

In Christianity, one has only to believe in Christ and salvation is obtained. Works are never an issue.

Islam claims that the Qur’an is the literal Word of God and is perfect and without error.

However ……

If the Bible is the foundation uncorrupted, of the Qur’an, then the following are just the beginning of the inconsistencies between the two.

Qur’an - one God, one person; Bible - one God, three persons.
Qur’an - Jesus was a prophet but only a man; Bible - Jesus is God incarnate.
Qur’an - Salvation is by works, salvation is uncertain; Bible - Salvation is by grace through faith and is assured.
Qur’an - contains historical corruptions; Bible - contains no corruptions and has been proven accurate throughout history.

Since it is generally agreed that God cannot inspire errors, then any and all revelations must be accurate, otherwise God would not be God if He made mistakes.

Errors within the Qur’an.

Qur’an states that the Ark of Noah came to rest on the Mt. Judi (Sura 11:44); Bible states Mt. Ararat.
Qur’an states that Abrahams father was Azar (Sura 6:74); Bible states that his father was Terah.
Qur’an claims that Abraham attempted to sacrifice Ishmael (Sura 37:100-112); Bible claims Isaac was the son placed on the sacrificial alter.
Qur’an claims that it was Pharoah’s wife who adopted Moses (Sura 28:8-9); Bible states it was Pharaoh’s daughter who adopted Moses.
Qur’an claims that the flood of Noah occurred in Moses’ day (Sura 7:136, 7:59); Bible claims the Flood occurred many centuries earlier.
Qur’an claims that Mary had Jesus under a palm tree (Sura 19:22); Bible claims the Jesus was born in a stable.
Qur’an claims that Muhammad was described in the Bible (Sura 7:157); Bible has no reference to Mohammad.

The Qur’an mentions many episodes in the Bible, however it adds or confuses many of the facts.
Qur’an claims that the Jews returned to Egypt after the Exodus (Sura 2:56-57:61); Bible calls them Israelites, the term Jew did not occur until many centuries later, and they did not return to Egypt.
Qur’an claims that Zechariah would be speechless for three days (Sura 3:41); Bible states that he lost his voice for nine months and regained it when John the Baptist was born.
Qur’an gives the story of Joseph (Sura 12:11-20), which is totally different than the story written in the Bible, Gen. 37.
Qur’an confuses the two men Saul and Gideon (Sura 2:241) when compared to the Bible.
Qur’an tells a totally different story when compared to Gen. 37-45 (Sura 12:21-32, 36-55.
Qur’an teaches that one of Noah’s sons did not enter the Ark (Sura 11), then states that all of Noah’s family entered into the Ark (Sura 21), compare with the Bible in Gen. 6-7.
Qur’an has within it conflicting accounts of Muhammad’s call to be a prophet, Sura 52:2-18, 81:19-24, Sura 16:102, 26:192-94, Sura 15:18, 2:97.
Qur’an teaches that it took God eight days to create the world (Sura 41:9-12), where Sura 7:51, 10:3, and 11:6 claim that it took him only six days.

The Qur’an challenges men to find contradictions in the Qur’an (Sura 4:84)

The Bible has been challenged and proven accurate and is independently verified by prophecy, archaeology, manuscript evidence and so forth. The Qur’an has none of these verifications, nor even independent proof of Muhammad’s claim of his inspiration. Although Muhammad obviously had a rather thorough knowledge of the Bible, many of his remembered facts were in error.

The Qur’an calls itself the ‘mother of books,’ Sura 43:3. Sura 2:23 and 10:37-38 challenges anyone to find any book better.

Qur’an claims that Allah inspired the Old and New Testaments, however it then contradicts within itself the fundamental stories contained in the Bible.

And finally the Qur’an claims to have been written in perfect Arabic, Sura 12:2, 13:37, 41:41,44, however it is filled, within its original documents, non-Arabic words and many grammatical errors (Morey, pgs 117-120).

The Qur’an claims that it is the word-for-word copy of that which is in heaven, Sura 85:21-22.

If indeed its words did come from Allah then Allah could not have made so many errors if he were in fact, God.

Through the centuries, Christians have questioned, examined, tested, and proven the scriptures of the Bible. In Islam even to question is a form of blasphemy, removing one from a chance at heaven.

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