Friday, May 2, 2014

Galatians 6:11

Copyright Ó 2014 J. Neely
Galatians 6:11

11 Ye see [eido] how large [pelikos] a letter [gramma] I have written [grapho] unto you [humin] with mine own [emos] hand [cheir].  KJV-Interlinear

11 See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand.  NASB

Paul wrote an important letter to the Galatians, and to those who prefer to hide behind noble sounding remarks, but in effect doing nothing, the warning of their self-imposed failure is clear, but only if they take the time to listen, or in our case to read, and to learn of their error and mis-direction.

The phrase for, large letter, ‘pelikos,’ does not refer to the size of the letters written, nor the length of the epistle, for at this point it is not yet finished.  It does refer to the context of the subject at hand, which is an extremely important subject, because it is the one subject in which most people are led to failure in life.

Large here means important or great as in of great importance.

Works verses faith, is the subject. 

Works refers to the one thing that God has excluded from the spiritual life. Namely your attitude as it remains separate and apart from Gods design for the spiritual life.

And it is very important because people hide behind works in many ways.  They try to pursue their spiritual life on their own terms, but also, they avoid their spiritual responsibilities by coming up with all manner of excuses, generally veiled in cute or noble sounding phrases, followed by doing nothing.

And this is the sad mistake that people make.

God does not need anyones effort in the divine plan.  Gods plan for history would, and will, come to its proper conclusion even if no one did anything as God mandates.

But what people miss, is that God gives everyone an opportunity to participate in the spiritual plan, by incorporating bonafide spiritual activities within their spiritual life.

Whether you do or not, is your business and decision, but to ignore such an opportunity, means you lose out on the vast benefits that come with obedience to His will.

Remember that opportunity comes only during this life. Once you leave this world, those opportunity doors close, and you go to heaven only with whatever spiritual resources you did comply with, assuming that there are any.

Paul has covered several topics within this subject, from circumcision to financial support.  And we have covered them all in detail, in these six chapters.

But the last word remains with you. You have either learned something, namely spiritual production through faith, or you have ignored it in order to remain with your pursuit of personal views in order to avoid what God expects of you.  And, realize that God expects nothing from you, that He has not already made provision for in some way.

So, you can work for your spiritual brownie points, you can avoid your own personal responsibilities and let someone else carry the load, you can invent some rather cute excuses to justify your way out of the spiritual mandates placed on us all, or …

You can get with a legitimate daily study, learn a thing or two, and sooner or later get your life in order.

To ignore what God says, is a total waste of ones life.  So why would anyone live their whole life and waste it, when compliance with all of the spiritual requirements is so easy?