Isaiah 11:3
3 And shall make him of quick understanding [ruwach] in the fear [yir'ah] of the
LORD: [Yahovah] and he shall not judge [shaphat] after the sight [mar'eh] of
his eyes, [`ayin] neither reprove [yakach] after the hearing [mishma`]
of his ears: ['ozen] KJV-Interlinear
3 And He will
delight in the fear of the Lord, And He will not judge by what His eyes see,
Nor make a decision by what His ears hear; NASB
The seed of Jesse, Jesse
who had died but out of that dead stump now reborn is the person of Jesus,
chosen through David and that line as it descended down through the generations
until Mary and Joseph.
Jesus was one-hundred
percent human. He was born of a
mother. He grew up as did all children of
his day.
But as we saw in the
previous verse, Jesus learned doctrine in the same exact manner that you and I
learn doctrine.
He was perpetually in the
spirit and therefore in fellowship. He never
sinned therefore He never had to confess any sins. He studied the scriptures everyday by
listening to His parents and to those who taught the scriptures in His day. He gained an understanding and thorough
knowledge of doctrine and came to wisdom at a very early age.
Jesus came to know who He
was and why He was. And He went to the
Cross knowing and with full confidence the purpose and mission of His life in
that first advent. He set aside His
power of deity and lived those 33 ½ years under the exclusive power of the Holy
Spirit. That same exact power as is available
to every believer in our dispensation. That
same power that is available to you through the seven steps of which we just
completed the study in verse two.
Jesus was the pattern of
life and of living life.
He used spiritual
understanding and did not use the sight of his eyes or the hearing of his ears,
which is to say, He did not sin in judgment, He did not sin in gossip. He did not listen to idle talk nor promote
it. He was not judgmental, was not
biased, was not prejudiced in any way.
Jesus was not opinionated nor did He boast of His identity in order to elevate
Himself beyond His character.
Jesus did not seek
rulership, did not seek approbation of the people, did not deviate from Gods
original plan for salvation. He did not
let His identity go to His head, did not let His own ego run out of control or
off track.
Every day, He studied and
He learned and He grew up within His spiritual life, until the day in which He
was fully prepared to begin His purpose.
He performed miracles because He was the true messiah and savior and
God. He did these things by means of
And that is your obligation
in this life, to study every day, to learn every day, to grow up and become prepared
for Gods purpose, not your own purpose.
Sadly, most folks get off
track and never achieve that which God has prepared for them. They do not study. They do not learn. They pursue their own self
defined plan and get lost in their own ego and enticements of this world,
losing sight of the real purpose for which God put them here on this earth.
God has a plan. He placed you here to live and to grow
up. Whatever it is that you do in life,
your job, your employment, your talent, your ability, etc., is for the
logistics of maintaining your life such that you will have the opportunity to
study doctrine and grow up and become fully prepared spiritually for Gods
intended purpose for you, but also, prepared for eternity and the infinite
rewards that await you.
Your job, your talent,
your clothes, your culture, your possessions, are not the real you, but the
means of maintaining you in this life, so that you will have the opportunity to
grow up in Gods intended purpose for your life.
What you think is what
you are, and God intends for you to think doctrine, for you to be mature in
doctrine, to be wise in truth, and therefore to be complete.
This verse begins, ‘and
shall make him,’ which is a reference to the spiritual process that was available
to Jesus and is available to everyone throughout history.
You need only to decide
to use it and then commit yourself to making your daily study an integral part
of your life.