Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Daily Bible Study Links –Tues. 1-28-2014

Daily Bible Study Links –Tues. 1-28-2014
Today’s Daily Bible Study:  

Today’s Study

Tuesday – Daily Bible Study – Isaiah 16:9  -  natural threats, and full ot eject Christ despite His tremendously resourseful and successful reign
natural threats, and full ot eject Christ despite His tremendously resourseful and successful reignhttp://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-tuesday.html
In that future day, the destruction of Moab will be so great, the sorrow so deep, that even God will  …    more of the Tuesday study --->...    http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-tuesday.html

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Important links:
Main Daily Bible Study web site:  http://www.DailyBibleStudy.Org  
Daily Bible Study Library:  http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/library.html

Daily Bible Study News on Twitter:  http://twitter.com/jneelyranch 
How to prepare for your daily study:  http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/how-to-prepare.html

Two Year Bible Reading Plan:  http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/two_year 
Blog and Feed Subscription Links:  http://www.neelyranch.com/contactus.html

Study rotation of the last seven days:

Sunday – Daily Bible Study – Psalm 29:3  –
Even though none of us have ever seen or heard God, He has given us many natural events in nature with which to understand Him and His glory and power.  Thunder, in a vast and violent storm, is described  …     more of the Sunday study -->...   http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-sunday.html

Monday – Daily Bible Study – Isaiah 16:8  -  
Moab had great prosperity, but as described here, that prosperity was and will be, destroyed thoroughly and completely.  Remember that Heshbon means, the pride of Moab, which we studied back in Isa. 15:4, but now the fields of Heshbon are described as  …     more of the Monday study --->...    http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-monday.html

Tuesday – Daily Bible Study – Isaiah 16:9  -  natural threats, and full ot eject Christ despite His tremendously resourseful and successful reign
natural threats, and full ot eject Christ despite His tremendously resourseful and successful reignhttp://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-tuesday.html
In that future day, the destruction of Moab will be so great, the sorrow so deep, that even God will  …    more of the Tuesday study --->...    http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-tuesday.html

Wednesday – Daily Bible Study – Isaiah 16:7  – 
Well the question previously posed, is answered.  When you play games with God, pretend spirituality, outright reject God and Gods mandates for how you are to function within your daily spiritual life, don’t even bother to find out what those mandates are, then there is  …    more of the Wednesday study --->...  http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-wednesday.html

Thursday – Daily Bible Study – Galatians 5:8  –  
And now here is the bottom line.  The belief that you are commanded to obey the Mosaic Law in order to obtain salvation or to improve your spiritual life, did not come from God.  The bible in all of its content, never  …    more of the Thursday study --->...   http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-thursday.html

Friday – Daily Bible Study – Galatians 5:9 –
Leaven is a reference to a substance, like yeast, that when applied to a larger quantity, will affect the entire quantity, like flour or dough, making the entire quantity rise.  Typically it is used to symbolize evil and the effect that evil has on  …    more of the Friday study --->...   http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-friday.html

Saturday – Daily Bible Study – Psalm 29:2  –  
Far too often, people insult God by pretending to follow him, but instead they criticize or complain or just simply go through the motions of acting holy, but never really commit themselves to anything expected of them. Talking a good talk, they may fool people, but  …    more of the Saturday study --->...    http://www.dailybiblestudy.org/biblestudy/monthly/today-saturday.html