Tuesday, February 2, 2010

1 Timothy 4:13

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1 Timothy 4:13


13 Till [heos] I come, [erchomai] give attendance [prosecho] to reading, [anagnosis] to exhortation, [paraklesis] to doctrine. [didaskalia] KJV-Interlinear

13 Until I come, give attention to the public reading of Scripture, to exhortation and teaching. NASB

Timothy is commanded to do three things. To give attendance means to focus on, to pay attention to, to apply ones self toward.

And Timothy was to focus on reading, exhortation, and doctrine. What are these?

Reading, ‘anagnosis,’ refers to reading for the purpose of studying. To read the detail. To study to know. To prepare oneself in private.

Exhortation, ‘paraklesis,’ means to comfort, to implore, to challenge others. It warns people to obey, it challenges people to advance, it rebukes people who are indifferent.

Doctrine, ‘didaskalia,’ refers to the systematic instruction of the material. The Word of God is available to us in written form only. It is very difficult for folks to simply pick up and read, and then understand. Primarily because there are certain spiritual mechanisms that must be in place in ones life, before understanding is possible, namely confession and fellowship. Likewise background on the material is often times necessary before a passage can be understood.

Therefore, from the earliest of times in history, instruction has been an integral part of spiritual growth. And if you think about it, instruction is a fundamental part of every persons life from infancy to adulthood and beyond. We are always learning or being taught something, sometime in our life.

But of everything in life that will be a part of your life, spiritual instruction is by far the most important, because it is your preparation not only for life, but for eternity.

It is unfortunate that most folks say that they love Jesus, but refuse the fundamental aspects of getting to know Him. And lacking instruction, then there is no way for you to really come to an understanding of life, of Christ, or of how anything fits together in history.

This is the primary priority of the instructor, and the primary priority of the student – to study and learn for instruction, and to study and learn by instruction.

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