Wednesday, September 17, 2008

James 5:9

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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James 5:9

9 Grudge [stenazo] not [me] one against another [kata] [allelon], brethren [adelphos], lest [hina me] ye be condemned [katakrino]: behold [idou], the judge [krites] standeth [histemi] before [pro] the door [thura]. KJV-Interlinear

9 Do not complain, brethren, against one another, that you yourselves may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing right at the door. NASB

Do not live life with grudges, with grumblings, or with resentments. Do not live life with irritability or complaining, with bitterness, or holding a chip on your shoulder. Do not live life in anger or with desires of revenge.

Time is too short for wasting time on petty feelings or emotions.

Likewise, do not live a life feeling sorry for yourself. Do not waste time feeling sorry for others. Do not waste time believing that if you only had the resources, you could make life better for others, even the whole world.


Because Jesus Christ controls history. Jesus Christ controls the life of each and every individual on planet earth and beyond.

God has a plan for every person. Gods word is available for every person to listen to, or read for themselves, and learn. Everyone could have a great life, if only they placed attention on their own spiritual life. Unfortunately, most folks don’t do this.

And what is waiting for anyone who in effect ignores God? He stands at the door. The door of discipline, of judgment. You have only to open that door and enter into His fellowship (the confession of sins procedure), and regain your fellowship status.

Why is this important? Because in fellowship you live in a state of perfection, as God has defined it. In perfection, there is no sin, and therefore no judgment, no discipline.

Does this relieve you of problems from the world? No. But while you live in fellowship, any problems that arise, will be treated as suffering for blessing, and that is a good thing. As you endure suffering, of whatever kind, and without falling into sin, then your spiritual growth is accelerated and your faith, your life becomes stronger.

In life, you will face many challenges. You will be cheated, or you will perceive that you have been cheated. You will have opportunities to judge others whether in anger of perhaps even in prejudice.

The world will throw all sorts of problems into your life. It will throw big problems and little problems or even annoyances, just to get under your skin and get a reaction out of you. The world will try everything possible to get you out of fellowship, so as to prevent your spiritual growth.

So, recognize this early in your life and learn to avoid ill feelings. If you suffer, or are taken advantage of, learn to accept it, or ignore it, and keep moving forward in your spiritual life. God offers you a mountain of gold in eternity. Is anything in this life, whether fair or unfair, worth losing that?