Saturday, September 20, 2008

James 5:13

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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James 5:13

13 Is [kakopatheo] any [tis] among [en] you [humin] afflicted [kakopatheo]? let him pray [proseuchomai]. Is [euthumeo] any [tis] merry [euthumeo]? let him sing psalms [psallo]. KJV-Interlinear

13 Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praises. NASB

James gives us the two states of mind that we all are in at one time or another. You will either be in a state of adversity or pressure of some type, either large or small, or, you will be in a state of contentment or joy in its various degrees of emotion.

No matter what your mood or circumstance, your number one priority is to be directed toward God, either in prayer or thanksgiving.

God is the infamous ‘I Am.’ He is the eternal and infinite source of all provisions.

Everything we have or are, comes from God, and only from God. There is nothing we have or are, or ever will have or be, that does not come from Him.

God placed us all here to grow up spiritually, and to be prepared to inherit the new universe and heaven to come.

Satan is here to destroy our destiny, in order to have everything for himself, even when it means that he must destroy everything and ultimately have nothing. But then, Satan being the smartest creature to come from the hand of God, is not so smart. After all, he has spent many centuries losing every battle, and is still clueless in his stubbornness.

Jesus Christ controls history. There will never be anything in history that He doesn't have complete control over.

So, whether you live under pressure of any kind, or prosperity of any kind, God is the one to whom you should direct your attentions, both in prayer and in praise. And you must do this while resident in fellowship.

For your spiritual life is unique, a great privilege, and gift from the most gracious and powerful and resourceful person in existence.

Apart from Him, you would have nothing, not even life. But through Him, you have the opportunity to have everything, even that which exceeds your imagination.