Sunday, June 22, 2008

Job 42:5

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 42:5

5 I have heard [shama`] of thee by the hearing [shema`] of the ear ['ozen]: but now mine eye [`ayin] seeth [ra'ah] thee. KJV-Interlinear

5 'I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear; But now my eye sees Thee; NASB

Ultimately, one of the goals we all should have in our spiritual life, is to be able to apply what we know, to our daily life, such that the principles of doctrine become real and alive, practical and functional in our life.

In most things, unless you can translate something into a productive use, it really is of no use. That is generally where we see the terms 'street smart' vs. 'book smart.'

A person can know a whole lot about something, but if they cannot apply it to some practical or good use, then it is of no use.

Job grew up his whole life, in an environment of learning scriptural principles, of which he was able apply them through ritual activities, and advance in his spiritual life. He knew prosperity and wealth, but never knew hardship, even though he could observe it all around him.

He learned about life by listening. He learned about the spiritual life by listening. He pursued his education, both academic and spiritual, by seeking out those who knew the answers to his curiosity and questions. Job wanted to learn, and so he pursued his learning by his own initiative.

And although Job knew a great deal of doctrine, it is only now, through suffering, that a great deal of it all came together for him, in understanding.

Hearing is not learning. Learning is not comprehension. Comprehension is not understanding. Understanding is not wisdom. And it is wisdom that gives us the ability to apply what we know, to our real world situations, making things happen productively and practically for ourselves, our families, our work and so forth.

You can grow up in life with little or no difficulties, but that in turn can restrict your ability to learn and understand how the other half lives their life. This is why the so called 'elite' folks are said to be, detached from reality.

Having to much wealth or prosperity can be a disadvantage. Odd as that may seem.

Job got hammered as no one has ever been hammered in life. He fell from vast wealth into horrible adversity. As a result, he here states that his eyes have been opened as never before.

Job grew up seeing poverty and suffering. Job grew up hearing all of the principles of doctrine. But as we all probably know, or should know, often times you have to go through an experience before you can really understand it. And only then are you in a position to form reasonable opinions or advice for others, as well as being able to see life a bit more clearly.

God has the very best in mind for your life. But forewarned, He may just guide you through some hard times in order to help you in your spiritual education. And believe it or not, that is a good thing.