Monday, June 16, 2008

Job 41:33

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

DailyBibleStudy.Org | Daily Bible Study Index Page | Daily Bible Study Online E-Book Library

Job 41:33

33 Upon earth [`aphar] there is not his like [moshel], who is made [`asah] without [baliy] fear [chath]. KJV-Interlinear

33 'Nothing on earth is like him, One made without fear. NASB

Bible Study Note: I added a video to the Bible Study Index Page and to the Ebook opening page. You might find it interesting.

Now, these last two verses will make the lesson clear if you have been paying attention. First we have been studying the crocodile, or as the Bible has described him, the Leviathan, a very large and dangerous creature.

But we know from our overall studies of the Bible, that all these things are meant to teach us instruction in righteousness.

'All scripture is God breathed, and profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God might be mature, rightly dividing the word of truth.'

The Bible was not placed here with us in order to entertain us. The Bible was not placed here for us to figure out for ourselves, what we need to do to get ourselves through this life.

The Bible was given to us, in order to provide for us a means, of growing up spiritually to spiritual maturity.

Our life here in this world is temporary. Our permanent life will not occur until eternity begins, and eternity does not begin until all of human history reaches its conclusion at the end of the Millennium.

The crocodile, or Leviathan, is a horrendous beast, capable of destroying anything within its grasp.

The crocodile is a picture of the world in many respects. It is powerful, self-centered, and cares nothing for anything but itself.

Just as there is no beast similar to the crocodile, so too, this earth is unique. There is nothing in this universe like this earth. The crocodile lives within the community of animals and the earth exists within a community of the universe.

Here we are unique. There is no other earth, no other civilization anywhere in the universe. And if there were other planets who held animal life prior to the creation of humanity, just as the dinosaurs existed prior to the creation of Adam and Eve, then they were destroyed by Satan, leaving earth the last remaining planet which holds life and setting the stage for Satan's last stand before God.

Personally, I don't think that life ever existed anywhere but on this earth. But hey, we could easily go to Mars and find a bone of two, and then people would challenge Christianity, God and everything we have come to hold for granted. But then wasn't the earth flat once? Did that former belief destroy Christianity or Christ, once the truth became known?

Anyway, the beast was made without fear. The world was made without fear, without feelings, without empathy, without any concern for truth or our existence. And that is what we are up against in this life.

On the one hand, we have the world, sponsored by Satan who is determined to ruin our life both now and in eternity. And on the other hand, we have God, who is determined to give us everything.

We will face difficulties galore. Some face more hardships than others, but to God, mans circumstances are never a handicap or even an advantage.

God is greater than anything and everything put together. Jesus Christ controls history. God does not depend on the abilities of man. He works His will without regard to human means. The battle is the Lords!

Perhaps one day you will learn this.