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Job 26:2-4
2 How hast thou helped [`azar] him that is without power [koach]? how savest [yasha`] thou the arm [zarowa`] that hath no [lo'] strength [`oz]?
3 How hast thou counselled [ya`ats] him that hath no [lo'] wisdom [chokmah]? and how hast thou plentifully [rob] declared [yada`] the thing as it is [tuwshiyah]?
4 To whom hast thou uttered [nagad] words [millah]? and whose spirit [nashamah] came [yatsa'] from thee? KJV-Interlinear
2 'What a help you are to the weak! How you have saved the arm without strength! 3 'What counsel you have given to one without wisdom! What helpful insight you have abundantly provided! 4 'To whom have you uttered words? And whose spirit was expressed through you? NASB
Job blasts Bildad and the other two friends for offering impotent comfort.
Beginning in verse four, Job asks, 'From whose spirit did y'all get your wisdom?' And that is the source of their impotence. Their words have no authority, and therefore no power. They are random proverbs that have no connection to Jobs situation.
The three friends have presented extraordinary statements, which amount to nothing more than pretentious wisdom.
And by the way, this passage seems right in line with the comments that have been coming out of the mouths of critics of the fires in California. When all of the attention should be placed on the effort that has and is being made down there, then there are the liberal losers (that is about as nice as I dare get) who want to make these fires a product of global warming or a product of manpower shortages, and yet none of the critics are on hand to lend a hand in aid.
This is the very thing, which Job is faced with. His friends are not hurting at all. They came with the intention of offering comfort, and then pretend wisdom, presuming that Job has need for instruction to change his ways. And all of the time what they really want is to present themselves as wise orators.
Most folks when they are hurting, need medicine or financial support, or something along those lines, and not instruction or criticism regarding their loss and how it could have been avoided, and how it is all the fault of someone or something else in life.
And so the pretended wisdom becomes nothing more than stupidity, expressed by the stupid.
So what help is offered to those who are weak, to those who are in need of help? How can an impotent arm pull on an arm in need?
The words of fools do nothing but serve the fools, who want only attention. Their words come abundantly, and that is all they have to offer.
Remember the meanings of their respective names. Eliphaz's name means 'God is fine gold,' or 'God of strength,' with emphasis on the earthly nature, the shimmering visual pleasure of seeing something beautiful. Bildad, means, 'son of contention,' or 'Bel has loved.' Bel means, 'wisdom of the distant East.' Zophar means 'chirping' or 'to leap.'
And so goes their wisdom. They are three people who have fallen in love with their own words. Words made up of proverbs, which any normal person could assemble during the course of a lifetime of observation. History is full of quotes and sayings that have come out of the minds of men.
But sayings in themselves do not constitute wisdom, nor do they help one who is in need.
When someone needs food, or clothing, or a blanket, or a few dollars, then that is what they should have. Tell a starving person that 'God loves you, but you have to repent,' probably won't have much effect. But give him a plate of food and tell him that 'God loves him,' (excluding the criticism) and he will hear your words, and remember them.
People with useless words and pretended wisdom, are worthless. People who make random comments, which are unsupported with facts, are worthless. People who talk and talk only to bring attention to themselves, are worthless.
And Job sums this all up with his suggestion, 'With all of your words, what good have you done?'
People with egos have a deep desire for higher office in life, but an ego is not an attribute that qualifies them for anything.