Friday, October 19, 2007

Job 25:2

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 25:2

2 Dominion [mashal] and fear [pachad] are with him, he maketh [`asah] peace [shalowm] in his high places [marowm]. KJV-Interlinear

2 'Dominion and awe belong to Him Who establishes peace in His heights. NASB

Job has maintained his innocence in this entire matter. Not innocence as in never having sinned, but innocent in that he was not the evil and wicked person that his friends have suggested as being the cause of his suffering.

Job has stated that even though we are mortal man, we still have the right to appeal to the Most High, who is the Father, through one who is equal with the Father and equal with man, and our redeemer as well as our advocate before God in all matters of truth.

This person of course is Jesus Christ, as we have in our present day, come to know His name.

And so Bildad suggests here that God is so powerful and so far above man, that no one could or should in their right mind, even attempt to approach God. After all, how can man, who is lower than life, approach someone who is greater than life? How can man who lives in an environment of violence even think of approaching God who maintains peace in this vast universe?

God is the absolute sovereign of all that is. By His sovereignty, He establishes peace, preserves order, and maintains control over all of creation, in spite of all of the anti-God attitudes that have existed and still do exist from Satan and his followers, and man.

God is supreme. None can equal Him. None can attain His height in power and holiness. God is above all that is. God includes all within His divine plan of operation. He does not exalt himself above all to the exclusion of lower beings. God does not lead or rule through coercion or tyranny. And yet God rules and administers the entirety of this universe. God rules with paternal affection while maintaining truth, righteousness, and justice.

Gods rule is a necessity for the preservation of life. By Him all peace, all order, all security is maintained. Without God, the universe would fall into disorder and tyranny and eventually into self-destruction. Neither man nor angel can control the vast operations of the universe. Man can't even control the common cold.

And still, the angels who are vastly superior to humanity, have had their issues in lack of self control, so too man who is inferior, needs an outside influence and mediator in order to have any kind of control on this earth.

God leads vast armies of angels. Their number has never been revealed to humanity, and most likely far out number all of humanity in all of human history. God is still able to maintain order with all of these masses.

Humanity cannot even control his own thoughts, his own family, his own city, or state, or country, or empire. And yet man believes that he is somehow up to the task of running things in this world?

God is able to maintain peace in heaven, and will one day bring that same peace to this earth.