Sunday, September 23, 2007

Job 23:13

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 23:13

13 But he is in one ['echad] mind, and who can turn [shuwb] him? and what his soul [nephesh] desireth ['avah], even that he doeth [`asah]. KJV-Interlinear

13 'But He is unique and who can turn Him? And what His soul desires, that He does. NASB

God is unique, unlike anything humanity has ever known or ever will know. God is of one mind. He has one purpose. God is truth, and in Him there are no lies, no distortions, no deceptions, nothing that can be construed as unethical, unfaithful, corrupt, biased, or immoral.

God has one purpose and that is the pursuit of truth in the unfolding of history to the total defeat of evil.

What God wills, He does. And Job here teaches us the sovereignty of God.

Jesus Christ controls history. God the Father decreed history. God the Holy Spirit reveals history.

All three members of the Godhead are of the same mind and purpose. They do not compete with each other. They do not have separate plans or agendas. What the Father decreed, Christ executes and the Holy Spirit reveals and maintains.

There is only one plan. There is not a menu of plans for humanity. God adheres to that plan totally and completely, and there is nothing and no one who has the ability to decipher that plan, let alone alter it.

Even Satan, who is the most intelligent creature to come from Gods hands, can't seem to get things right. And he has seen the entirety of history from the creation of the universe until now. If he fails then how can man, who has not been around in existence near as long, possibly get things right?

God controls history in every respect, even in the midst of mans free will volition.

The ultimate objective follows a very simple pattern.

Man was born into slavery once Adam fell from grace.
Slavery demands a redeemer otherwise slavery perpetuates forever with no hope of being free.
The redeemer, who is not a slave, provides salvation, or freedom from slavery, but the individual has to believe it in order to receive it.
Freedom paves the way for liberty and the environment to think and act without constraint.
Liberty sets the stage for opportunity.
Opportunity yields prosperity.
Prosperity brings wealth.
Wealth brings security.
Security brings peace of mind.
Peace of mind brings contentment.
Contentment produces happiness.
Happiness produces meaning and purpose.
And meaning and purpose finalizes ones existence of completion.

The spiritual life functions when God is in control. The spiritual life yields a guaranteed success in ones life.

Indifference toward ones spiritual life yields guaranteed failure.

Gods will is sovereign. God intends the very best for your life. There is nothing and no one who can overrule Gods purpose for your life. So long as you pursue your spiritual life, in a legitimate fashion, then you reside safely in His hands and care.

If you are indifferent or antagonistic, or resentful, or apathetic towards God, Christ, doctrine or your spiritual life, then you should be worried. And that topic Job will teach us in the next couple of verses.

James 1:17
17 Every good thing bestowed and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation, or shifting shadow. NASB