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Job 23:11-12
11 My foot [regel] hath held ['achaz] his steps ['ashur], his way [derek] have I kept [shamar], and not declined [natah].
12 Neither have I gone back [muwsh] from the commandment [mitsvah] of his lips [saphah]; I have esteemed [tsaphan] the words ['emer] of his mouth [peh] more than my necessary [choq] food. KJV-Interlinear
11 'My foot has held fast to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside. 12 'I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. NASB
Jobs feet and his steps designate his daily pattern of life, his thoughts, his intentions, his desires, his actions. This is the way he lived and dealt with himself and with others.
His 'necessary' food is a reference to his own self-defined purposes. 'Choq' means something decreed, designated, appointed or an appointed portion. His portion can be of his own design and effort within this world, or it can be that which God has appointed for him. For us all, there is an appointment from God, through the Divine Decrees, with regard to what we will or will not have in this life.
But before we go on here, remember that just because God saw in eternity past, our entire life, that does not means that He interfered with our own thinking and actions. I may know that you will have toast for breakfast tomorrow, and when tomorrow comes along, you then actually decide to have toast. My knowing it in advance did not cause you to have it. You will make that decision yourself.
God has foreknowledge and knows all of history in advance. He has known everything since eternity past. We are just now experiencing it as it unfolds.
Anyway, Job is encouraged now because he has lived a good life. He has followed what has been taught, what he has learned from the scriptures, as he knew them in his day, and he has done so faithfully.
Job did not vacillate in his spiritual life. He did not go to church for a while and then ignore church for a while. He did not read his doctrines for a while and then forget them for a while. He was not a holiday believer, nor a seasonal believer. He did not turn to God only when times were tough.
Likewise, he did not use the principles generated by this world as his fundamental guidelines for life. He used Bible doctrine consistently and regularly. He did not compromise doctrine. He did not try to water it down with other things that might have been more convenient for his life.
He did not live by principles invented by taboos, or religion, or philosophies and such. He did not hold to popular social norms and standards.
The world can come up with lots of rules, no chewing of gum, no wearing of colorful clothing, no inter-racial dating, and so forth. The world can be biased and prejudiced between social groups. The world can define and accuse folks of being witches, or anything, which allows society to blame others for its problems. The world can define any number of lifestyles, which makes it feel better, safer, or fulfilled.
All of these improper things come from invention driven by the sin nature, and the lack of Bible doctrine.
The Bible has no part in any of these. The Bible teaches truth. Truth is where facts match up perfectly with reality. Reality is defined by the Bible and discovered and discerned through the spiritual life.
Reality is not what you want it to be, because you want something that way. Politicians, celebrities, gossips, and anyone who is lacking in their spiritual life, will try until they are blue in the face, to make things the way they want them to be.
They will rant and rage, advertise and promote, until they can convince the general public or their listeners, that their views are right.
But the test that causes all false statements to fail, is how they match up with the principles of doctrine, the principles of divine establishment, the fundamental principles of truth. These three when applied to life, form the foundation of sound norms and standards for society.
When someone is in need, do you look the other way? Is it none of your concern? Do you consider why they are in need and then decide whether to help because of your belief of not helping those who deserve their trouble? Are you judgmental? Do you check your resources, or not, and decide that someone else will come along to help? Or, do you offer help, within your means and without hesitation or strings?
Which of these principles do you suppose is correct?
Everyone who will ever live will be faced with many tests of life. God will reveal who is responsible and who is not. God will reveal those who give, and those who only take. God will reveal those who try to lead through deception and ulterior motives of lust, or those who lead by sound doctrine. God will reveal those who are opportunists taking advantage of others, and those who have genuine concern for others.
The foundation of Jobs life was Bible doctrine. From that he formed his life without compromise, without excuse, without popular sanction.
Job knew that God had decreed something for his life, from eternity past. He did not know what his life would be like, none of us do until we experience life and life unfolds before us.
Job had his wants from life for himself, for his wife, for his family, for everyone he employed or knew. His environment shaped his wants and needs, but he put doctrine first, not last. Most folks put their Bible study, their Bible obligations, last, or they conveniently ignore them. 'Someone else will do that.' 'Not our concern.' 'Don't have the time right now.' 'Not sure we agree with that.' 'They don't need it.'
And as for Him who is able to do everything for you, and who actually does everything for you, no time is given.
And sooner or later, life catches up with you. Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps next year, perhaps in a decade or two, God will snatch you out of this world. Folks call this your 'Come to Jesus, meeting.' Most say it in humor, but then, can you afford to laugh it all off now?
Bible study is mandatory for anyone who wants the most out of their eternal life. If you do not have the time nor the priorities for doctrine, what then should you expect from God or from life?