Friday, September 20, 2013

Galatians 4:4

Copyright Ó 2013 J. Neely
Galatians 4:4

4 But [de] when [hote] the fulness [pleroma] of the time [chronos] was come [erchomai], God [theos] sent forth [exapostello] his [autos] Son [huios], made [ginomai] of [ek] a woman [gune], made [ginomai] under [hupo] the law [nomos], KJV-Interlinear

4 But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, NASB

Back in verse two we saw that it was the father of the family who determined when the appropriate time would be for the child to be released and set free from the guardian, and therefore no longer under the authority and control of the guardian.

And so it is in history that God the Father determined when the time would be right for Jesus to enter into the world and for the cross to occur.

And so we have in this verse the phrase, fullness of time, wherein fullness describes repletion or completion, that which is filled, to fill up as in full, to assemble all pieces.

So by the time of the birth of Christ, nations had been formed, languages had been established, the scriptures have been documented, the prophecies and promises and genealogy of the line of the Savior had been determined, and the law of Moses which pointed to man’s weaknesses and the need of a Savior, all were in place.

God the Father authored the divine plan, and Jesus Christ executed the divine plan.

God controls history in its entirety, right down to the very year and month and day and hour when Christ went to the cross.

Despite Satan’s evil attempts to derail God’s plan for well over four thousand years, and man’s evil attempts to establish his own destiny, God’s plan has advanced through the ages without so much as skipping a single beat.

Up until the time of the cross, the human race had only the Mosaic Law with which to measure man’s position in the ages and man’s relationship with God.

And then according to God’s calendar, the time was right for the birth of Christ.

As we studied in the first two Psalms, the phrase, Son of God, is a title designation that was adopted by the second person of the Trinity.

Jesus Christ is God, and he also came into this world as a human being, as stated here, born or made of a woman.

Way back in Genesis, God promised that the Savior would come from the seed of a woman. This excluded Joseph as the human father, therefore Mary’s pregnancy was a virgin pregnancy. And therefore, Jesus as God, was born a human child.

The phrase, under the law, indicates that Jesus as a man had to grow up under the same rules of this world that everyone else was faced with. He had to live the perfect life demanded by the mosaic law, which he did, otherwise if he had failed in any way he would not have been qualified to go to the cross in our behalf.

Jesus was bound to the observance of all of the original rituals and requirements of the mosaic law, but he was not bound to the observance of all of the additional rituals and demands that the Levitical priesthood had artificially incorporated into the mosaic law.

And as we will see in the next verse, his living a perfect life was among the qualifications required so that he could purchase our lives out from under condemnation of the mosaic law.