Sunday, July 4, 2010

Psalms 2:2

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Psalms 2:2
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2 The kings [melek] of the earth ['erets] set [yatsab] themselves, and the rulers [razan] take counsel [yacad] together, [yachad] against the LORD, [Yahovah] and against his anointed, [mashiyach] saying, KJV-Interlinear

2 The kings of the earth take their stand, And the rulers take counsel together Against the Lord and against His Anointed: NASB

First, the terms for kings and rulers are general terminology referring to all manner of leaders or people of influence among society. Including national leaders, elected and appointed officials, celebrities or otherwise people in the news, leaders in industry or philosophy or education or science, social clubs and so forth. Certainly leaders in religion are also included.

This counsel, ‘yacad,’ includes the pattern of thought that prevails throughout society from all corners of the world, from all segments of society whether personal or public, whether national policy or private conversation.

Therefore, why do heathen (anyone who lacks truth) rage? Because they take counsel in thoughts and ideas and beliefs that are false. They pursue ideas and philosophies that run contrary to truth, contrary to divine establishment, contrary to doctrine, and certainly against Christ.

Society sees itself as self-sustaining, self-supporting, self-perpetuating, and capable of self-determination in accordance with the wishes of humanity. These views are all false.

The world as a general rule, promotes ideas that are all contrary to truth. Were it not for truth that stabilizes the fundamental thought of society, the world would fall apart, or would have fallen apart long ago. It will certainly fall apart in the future in the last days (the Tribulation), when the restraining ministry of truth is lifted from the world at the Rapture.

All rejection is against truth. God is truth. All rejection is against God. Gods plan includes every piece of reality that is factual and accurate, whether related to Christ, salvation and the angelic conflict, whether related to science, math, genetics, physics or the things of this universe, whether related to principles of establishment and the correct functions of society, or whether related to the spiritual life and all that it entails.

Gods overall objective in life for you, is to bring you to a state of a relationship and completion to Himself, resulting in blessings beyond your wildest dreams, and that occurs through Jesus Christ, whom you must recognize, accept, and believe.

But accepting Christ as a person is not enough. That is a single decision that occurs in the space of a single moment. You must grow up in the knowledge of truth, and that requires learning and spiritual growth during the course of the rest of your life, otherwise, you will do what these verses say – raging because of the counsel of lies.

What are lies? All things that are against truth, God and Christ, whether rejected or simply ignored.

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