Thursday, May 21, 2009

Colossians 2:4

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Colossians 2:4

4 And [de] this [touto] I say, [lego] lest [hina me] any man [tis] should beguile [paralogizomai] you [humas] with [en] enticing words. [pithanologia] KJV-Interlinear

4 I say this in order that no one may delude you with persuasive argument. NASB

Your primary responsibility in this life, is to God. In that responsibility, God mandates you to be responsible in all aspects of life.

However, there comes into the picture the world with all of its excuses. And remember this for certain. Any argument promoted by the world view, is an excuse and nothing else.

The beguiling aspects of the world encumbers everything from indifference, to plausible arguments which are used to justify whatever it is that you believe, or want to believe, or want to be your truth.

This is the typical excuse for doing whatever it is that you want to do in life, rather than being responsible. You want something and so you justify it with some form of argument. ‘I need it.’ ‘We need it.’ ‘It is for the children.’ And so forth. The argument is entrenched into your mind such that any other priority, any other responsibility is swept aside, even ignored.

Some folks don’t pay their bills, others don’t do their home work for school, others do not attend to their marital responsibilities, and so forth. Society in general dismisses its responsibilities when doctrine is lacking, and the special interests, whether business or unions or cultures, or whatever, make their own interests greater than what may or may not be good for everyone. And they think nothing of the repercussions of their actions. Why is California on the verge of bankruptcy, with all of their wealth? Huge government pension plans, huge government runaway spending programs, huge bureaucracy.

People actually do not believe that there will be any repercussions, at least none that would be their fault. If anything goes wrong, it is obviously someone else's fault.

When Bible doctrine is not real in your soul, then you are open to almost any form of persuasion. You can be fooled easily, because you set yourself up for being fooled easily, so much so, that you don’t care whether or not you are being fooled, while you do not believe that you can be fooled. You simply convince yourself and that is enough.

And who is at fault? ‘Fool me twice …’

And unfortunately, God has to bring the harsh realities into your life by means of devastating disasters, before you will open up your eyes and see your error.

This is bad enough for a single person, or a family to run into hard times, but it is really bad when an entire nation is heading off course down the wrong road.