Friday, October 31, 2008

1 Peter 2:16

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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1 Peter 2:16

16 As [hos] free [eleutheros], and [kai] not [me] using [echo] your liberty [eleutheria] for [hos] a cloke [epikaluma] of maliciousness [kakia], but [alla] as [hos] the servants [doulos] of God [theos]. KJV-Interlinear

16 Act as free men, and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use it as bondslaves of God. NASB

Even in the days prior to Jesus and during His life, the general thought of the Jewish people was that they had been given a sense of freedom, by God, through the scriptures, and it was this context that led to various forms of rebellion against the Greeks and the Romans later, and even before this, the Assyrians, then the Babylonians as well.

Their attitude is described in John 8.

John 8:33
33 They answered Him, ‘We are Abraham's offspring, and have never yet been enslaved to anyone; how is it that You say, 'You shall become free'?’ NASB

And when Jesus came along He told them that they were now free people. They were somewhat confused, as they had always thought that they were free, first due to their genetic heritage, and second due to their custody of the scriptures, and therefore, they owed no allegiance to anyone except God (the Father).

Their biggest problem was that they rejected God (the Father’s) plan which created a singe path to Himself, through a savior, Jesus Christ. By rejecting the plan, they likewise insulted the Father.

But here we are told that though we live in this world, and though we have believed in Christ, and though through salvation we have been made free people (free from sin and death), we were not made free so we could do anything we wanted, anytime.

To preach their personal form of truth and freedom, and to presume that they had no obligation to civil authority here on earth, was the quintessence of arrogance and ignorance.

In so doing, believers will come up with all sorts of ideas, such as they should not have to pay taxes, should not have to obey the local laws, that they can become conscientious objectors and avoid military service, that they can have multiple wives, that they can accuse others of witchcraft, and in effect do anything they wanted. And history has revealed these things and many other bizarre behaviors.

But, God says, ‘Not so fast.’

Though you are free, then freedom comes with responsibility, just as physical growth to physical and mental maturity comes with responsibility and obligations in life.

And that, is what God expects of you. God has issued mandates, and you are required to follow them. No if, ands, or buts.

Unfortunately, far too many believers have their own ideas as to what they should or must do in life. Far too many believers believe that they can pick and choose their way through life and doctrine.

And so the exceptions of life multiply, and doctrine slips into some distant thought or memory.

We studied the mandates of God a long time ago. You may want to re-visit the ‘Check List’ study from time to time, just to gather your thoughts together and re-check your thinking.

Do not be antagonistic against the world with a vengeance. Do not get involved in crusades to install your standards on others. Inevitably your standards are not compatible with Gods. And God has entrenched His standards on humanity since long ago. If folks will not listen to God, then they will not listen to you, unless, of course, your ideas are sin nature compatible and enticing to them.

Remember, you are a guest, a visitor, and as such are bound by the rules of being a guest. You do not take over the world, nor to try changing the world. The world, be definition, is run by Satan, and you are no match for him.

Therefore, obey God and live your life as free people, which means to be mature, and responsible, and polite, etc.

And more than that, submit, though you are free, to Gods authority, as a wife submits to her husband (no jokes here please). More on this subject in the next chapter.

God is our absolute authority, and to Him we owe our absolute submission. God is truth, therefore we are submitting to truth, rather than to lies. And that is a good thing.

Those who submit to the lies of this world, believe that they are getting something for nothing, when in fact they are losing everything.

Those who submit to truth, are in fact gaining everything and losing nothing, despite their circumstances in this world. These previous two sentences are something to ponder each and every time you make a decision.