Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Job 31:40

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 31:40

40 Let thistles [chowach] grow [yatsa'] instead of wheat [chittah], and cockle [bo'shah] instead of barley [sa`orah]. The words [dabar] of Job ['Iyowb] are ended [tamam]. KJV-Interlinear

40 Let briars grow instead of wheat, And stinkweed instead of barley. ' The words of Job are ended. NASB

Job has said everything that has been needed to be said, and that should ordinarily conclude a matter.

However, even though his three friends have fallen into silence, having nothing further to say, there will be a fourth person, Elihu, who will begin his lengthy speech, but he will have nothing significant to add to the discussion. In fact, his words won't even be worthy of a response.

Job will have some final words to say, but these will be in response to God, and of course God will have the final and overwhelming say on the whole matter.

We still have eleven more chapters to go, but a normal person who is positive toward truth and objective in their thinking, would by now, understand the point of this book, and be able to sort out the purpose of their life.

Job has testified as to his own personal character. He is human and as such is a sinner, as we all are. He has flaws as we all do. But the big difference between him and anyone else in this world, is his attitude toward God and truth.

Everyone lives their life by trends. Everyone follows a pattern of beliefs in their life. There are only two patterns to choose from. The first is that which is described in the Bible, or that which follows Gods will, and the second is everything else.

The first builds up genuine character, genuine intrinsic value within ones soul. The second builds up waste and vanity, and nothingness within ones soul.

Job has described his life. He first of all, has been faithful to God, to doctrine, and to the mandates which God has given to humanity. Second, Job has been faithful in the communication, teaching, and support of the principles taught in the scriptures. Third, Job has been charitable to anyone and everyone who was found to be in need in life. Fourth, Job has lived an open, sincere, and non-deceitful life, to the best of his ability. And fifth, Job has remained non-biased, non-prejudiced, objective, fair and honest in his dealings with everyone.

Job has lived the life of the near perfect person, and yet his life did not exempt him from suffering.

How much less than Job, are you and I, and should we expect any better life than Job?

If a person lives their life, not in accordance with the principles mandated by God, then they can expect only thistles and wild or noxious seeds as the sum total of their life's production. In other words, the best they can expect out of life, is a worthless life.

And as these are the concluding words of Job within this debate, then so is the debate on your personal life.

Either get with a consistent daily Bible study, follow all (not some) but all of the principles taught, and have a truly successful life both now and in eternity, or ignore all of this Bible stuff and fail.

Job lived his life with his 'arms raised high.' He lived his life with his attentions directed toward God, not toward the details of his life in this world.

Where is Job today? Job lived over 4500 years ago. When he died, he went to Paradise, and when Christ concluded His work on the Cross, He retrieved Job and all of the Old Testament believers who were also in Paradise, and led them in the greatest victory parade ever in history, out of Paradise and into heaven.

And in heaven they all wait, along with all Church Age believers that have died and gone straight to heaven, for the next big event in history, which is the Rapture.

Today people are focused on a national election, on the economy, on the many issued that saturate the attentions of the public view. People are focused on their personal lives, their work, their social lives, their hobbies, their personal entertainment, their personal goals and so forth, with virtually no attention paid to their own spiritual lives. And all of these amount to the nurturing of thistles and noxious weeds in their soul.

And as goes the individual, then so goes the nations of the world. If empty minded people elect empty minded governments, then what can we expect? Briars and stinkweed?

Job had everything going for him in his life, but the details of the world were not enough to keep him from the harms of the world. Job looked to his redeemer and advocate in heaven to make some sense out of his life, and to God and Christ, Job gave all of his trust and faith, not his prosperity and wealth and positions he held in this world.

Jobs words ended and they should have ended the debate, but there are those who want to go on and on and on with a meaningless debate. They do not pay attention, they do not listen, and they certainly do not hear the truths of life.

As long as they are alive and seemingly kicking, then they believe that they still have a say in this world and that they can make a difference, or that they can change what God wills, re-direct history, or at least make some improvements.

You can't.