Saturday, November 3, 2007

Job 26:14

This study is from an on going online Daily Bible Study at:

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Job 26:14

14 Lo, these are parts [qatsah] of his ways [derek]: but how little [shemets] a portion [dabar] is heard [shama`] of him? but the thunder [ra`am] of his power [gabuwrah] who can understand [biyn]? KJV-Interlinear

14 'Behold, these are the fringes of His ways; And how faint a word we hear of Him! But His mighty thunder, who can understand?' NASB

Job lived a very long time ago. In his day, there was not much in the way of science. Although the Egyptians, as well as others, were building some pretty impressive pyramids, and had quite a knowledge of engineering, surveying, astronomy and such, still their knowledge was nothing when compared to what we have and know today.

The scriptures were written to all of humanity, both those who lived in ancient times as well as those who are yet to live in the future from out present time.

Mans knowledge in science, technology, innovation, and invention are advancing by leaps and bounds on a daily basis it seems.

But all that we know, and all that we have are mere nothings, mere shadows of what God actually is.

The fringes are the fuzzy things that exist on the outermost edge of a thing. Like the foam on the edge of the ocean. The fringes amount to almost nothing when compared to the whole.

Likewise, the thunder of God here is a reference to peals of thunder from an extremely violent storm, loud and deafening. In contrast, what we hear from God, what we hear from mans discoveries collectively throughout history, are mere whispers.

The faint word, is the action of hearing a whisper that fades away. We hear the tiniest bit of the softest and quietest whisper, and then the greater portion of the whisper fades such that we cannot hear it all.

Such is the knowledge and wisdom of God, vast and unimaginably infinite, as compared to that of man, whose knowledge and wisdom is miniscule to almost non-existent. In fact our understanding is nothing more than the fringes of a whisper of the infinite.

Yet you can look around you and see the boastings of mans philosophies, religions, beliefs and such. People pursue with great passion, the lies they have invented themselves. People promote and give even their last dollar to ideologies that are empty pits.

People who are the most rebellious against God, make the most noise in this world. They boast profusely and try as they may, to suppress truth. In fact anyone who opposes the views of others (regardless of whether they are right or wrong) is in fact a hater of truth.

Those who support truth are usually regarded as the silent majority. But where evil promotes its own philosophies, those who view themselves as righteous or conservative (Biblically speaking, not politically speaking) usually are reluctant to support their own. By the way, political conservatism is not Biblical conservatism. You should know that by now.

Gods whispers, which far surpass all of mans knowledge, are far greater than the expanse of this universe. And yet man gives little heed to the Word of God. Even those who fancy themselves as Christian, are more comfortable in taking, without giving back. If Christians supported their own faith to the extent even to the extremes that other false religions are supported, then this would be a very different world.

Supporting social activities, soccer, dances, and handing out blankets are more attractive than attending Bible classes and taking notes. Not that there is anything wrong with these functions, but when ones Bible study is excluded or replaced by these types of things, then the whole view of life has been misapplied.

Foundations and individuals alike give to charities and have for many, many years. But Jesus healed and cured, and told us that these things though good, are not what man needs. Soul healing through salvation and spiritual growth is far more important than inoculations and cures. Get doctrine and the shots will come. Forget doctrine and all of the shots in the world will not help you after you leave this world.

When the British flag flew around the globe, along with it went the military, the merchants, and the missionaries. All three being integral parts of freedom, liberty, prosperity, and eternal repercussions for millions. But the haters of truth, hate anything that has to do with the attributes of truth.

But that has been the course of history for a very long time, and still is. It is very easy to sit back and pretend to not understand ones obligations, to sit back and find excuses as to why one does not or cannot fulfill their obligations, or to sit back and wait for someone else to do what is needed.

But God looks to each individual to be obedient to His mandates. Each person is evaluated on what they do, not on what others do.

We all live in a world of beauty, music, tastes, and such. We all live in the world with pressures and stresses and anxieties galore. But there is nothing in our human experience that can match the phenomenal glories that await us in heaven.

Too often we look at the world around us and no further, and that tends to hold us back in how we conduct our lives. We think that we are screaming along in a billion mile race, when in fact we are stuck in our reluctance to take the first few steps. Arrogant excuses, thin skinned and shallow attitudes toward life are among the biggest barriers to spiritual growth.

What God has awaiting us defies our comprehension. The extent of Gods power and control over life escapes our trust. How can anyone genuinely grow up in their spiritual life when faith is so weakened by stubborn opinions?

What possible solution could there be?